Club Meeting Feb 5 2025 Jenny StoneTreasurer Neville Kruss was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Charles Rener joined via Zoom and Gary Ramage joined the meeting as a guest. Our guest speaker was our own Jenny Stone - Member behind the Badge. |
9815 Connections Jan 2025Click on image at left for YouTube video. Key Updates: ✅ Rotary Events & Activities – Clubs started the year strong with family picnics, BBQs, and annual art shows from Sorrento, Leongatha, and Mornington (celebrating its 53rd year!). 🎨 ✅ Australia Day Celebrations – Many clubs are hosting events to reflect, respect, and celebrate our communities. ✅ District Conference (March 2025) – Over 400 registrations and 52 clubs confirmed! Our theme: "We Belong Because We Are Better Together" 🤝 ✅ Special Guest – Welcoming Rotarian Dr. Bharat Pandya from Mumbai, India, Rotary Foundation Trustee & past RI Director! 🎤 ✅ Membership Growth – 27 new members joined by December, making us the 2nd highest-growing district in the zone! 👏 📅 Upcoming Events: 📌 New Club Seminar – Mid-February 📌 PELDS Training – March in San Remo |
Member Jim Magee HonouredThe official citation reads: Mr Jim MAGEE Bentleigh East VIC 3165 For service to local government, and to the community of Glen Eira. The following is taken from the Glen Eira City Council website. (link) Former councillor Jim Magee awarded OAMCouncil congratulates former Tucker Ward Councillor Jim Magee, who received a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) as part of the Australia Day honours list. The OAM has been awarded to recognise ex-Cr Magee’s service to local government. Jim was a long-serving councillor who was a four-term representative of Glen Eira’s southern suburbs which he affectionately referred to as the ‘Paris end’ of Glen Eira. During this time, he was a fierce advocate for sustainable planning, all abilities access and protecting services for the most vulnerable, along with increasing open space and sporting infrastructure. During his time in office, Council invested significantly in these key priorities. As Mayor, Jim also advocated strongly for the role and financial sustainability of local government. Recognising local government’s unique role in promoting connections to place and quality of life, he worked closely with colleagues across the sector to call for reform which led to inquiries from the Victorian Legislative Council and Auditor-General. Jim’s term on Council concluded in October 2024 and since that time he has remained a staunch support of local government and regularly appears in sector media to discuss current events. Jim joins the late councillor Dr David Zyngier AM, former councillor Jamie Hyams OAM and and current Councillor Sam Parasol OAM as other recent recipients of Order of Australia honours. |
Club Meeting January 29, 2025 Club updateChair today was Margy Lucas. Today's meeting was intended to be an opportunity to brief the members on plans for the second half of the Rotary year. We heard reports from Youth Chair Julie Reid, with Helen Nodrum and Co Market Chair Grant Perry. We were joined this morning by Rotarian and Co President, Carole Harris from the Rotary Club of Saint Marylebone. She was accompanied by her friend (and former colleague from Army days of member Margy Lucas), Alan Brimelow. Carole visited our Club a couple of years ago. Carole gave a description of her Club in London and exchanged banners with President Tim. Two other momentous events this morning.... President Tim had the honour of inducting our newest member Bert d'Unienville. Bert was introduced to the Club by member Neville Kruss and has a mangaement background in the paint manufacturing sector. Secondly, member Ian Ballantine had the privilege of awarding a second Paul Harris Fellow to Glenda Stahel. Glenda served as "emergency" President during the year 2022-23 and was also recognised for her contribution to the running of the registration desk at the D9810 Conference last year. Glenda is a continuing contributor to the successful operation of our Club and it was a pleasure to make the presentation. Please click on Read More to see plenty of pics from this morning's meeting along more words on Committee activities. All photos from today's meeting are also available at full resolution here.
2025 Senior Australian of the Year![]() Brother Thomas Oliver Pickett AM co-founded Wheelchairs For Kids in 1996 to provide adjustable wheelchairs and occupational therapy expertise for children in developing countries, free of charge. Rotary, and particularly our own Club, support Wheelchairs for Kids. Refer recent meeting here. |
Club Meeting Jan 22, 2025 Aila Cafe![]() We had a total of 26 members and guests register for our first meeting for 2025. The venue was Aila Cafe in Highett. Amongst attendees were members John and Dee Mason, proudly showing off John's new set of "wheels". The atmosphere was great with everyone enjoying the opportunity of catching up after our "holiday" break. Member Larry Green conducted a quiz which was a lot of fun, if not a little chaotic! Well done Larry. We had three guests attend, Bert d'Unienville, Jules Gaddie and Margaret Toyas. Please click on Read More for pics,
Club Dinner Sandringham Yacht Club Dec 15 2024![]() ![]() The venue was the Olympic Room at the Sandringham Yacht Club. The meal was excellent, as was the venue. Most came a little earlier to enjoy some pre dinner fellowship in the member's lounge area with it's magnificent outlook over the Club and Port Philip Bay. The staff at SYC couldn't have been more efficient or pleasant. The event was organised by Linda O'Brien who also prepared the table decorations. The evening was such a success, I'm sure we'll be choosing this venue once again. Click on Read More for more photos.
Club Meeting December 11 2024 Break up funPresident Tim presided over the meeting, whilst Charles R zoomed in on Zoom. The morning's events commenced with a True or False quiz game presented by our own Quiz Master - Larry Green. We found not too many of us were very knowledgeable, with lots of questions finding us scratching our heads. We then moved to an activity less challenging for everyone - with a fun game of "Pass the Parcel to the Left or Right" following a story of Father Christmas who mislaid his special bag for delivering presents to all the good children of the world. The last person holding the box on each table was the lucky winner of a supply of delicious shortbreads made by our newly crowned President Elect Grant Perry. |
Club Meeting Dec 4, 2024 Bryce AlmanBarry Oliver was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Margaret Lucas performed invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia. Guests included Bert d'Unienville, Gary Ramage, and our guest speaker, Bryce Alman.
GESAC BBQ Dec 4, 2024![]() On Wednesday 4th December, club members Peter and Linda O’Brien, Margaret Lucas, Gary Ramage, Dr. Helen Parker, Sue Loeliger, Bert D’Unienville and friend of Rotary Ian Cooper celebrated this day by joining with council and GESAC to provide the catering mainly through cooking the bar b que and serving the upwards of 300 people in attendance. Our partnership with council is valued and we appreciated the opportunity to join in at this important event and show our support to all facets of our community. This club will look forward to continuing our involvement each year. |
Club meeting Nov 24 2024 AGM and DG VisitHelen Nodrum was the chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro which included our club's annual AGM, and a club visit from our District Governor Colin Byron and Community Leader Wil Conneliusen.
Club Meeting Nov 2, 2024 Wheelchairs for Kids![]() Terry Kane was chairperson for this week's club meeting at Cilantro. Neville performed invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia. Guests included Jim Magee and Bert d’Unienville and our two guest speakers from Wheelchairs for Kids - Grant Klaaysen and Russell Hayes.
Rotary Code of Conduct![]() Some years ago Rotary International declared their strong and commendable stance on Diversity Equity and Inclusion and expects all members to be familiar with this code of conduct and abide by it. To quote: Rotary core values: fellowship, integrity, diversity, service, and leadership This code of conduct reflects our core values and explains the responsibility that comes with being a Rotarian and Rotaractor, which includes members from nearly every country in the world, speaking over 100 different languages. We are committed to upholding and evolving this code as our organization grows. Like our core values, we expect Rotarians and Rotaractors to exemplify this code of conduct as they interact with one another, Rotary program participants, Alumni, project partners, and members of the community. Specifically, the code of conduct applies at all club, district, zone, and Rotary International meetings, trainings, events, and anywhere else a member represents Rotary and on My Rotary and social media. Expectations All club members and other participants including Rotary program participants, Alumni, project partners, and representatives of Rotary are expected to comply with this code of conduct, be considerate and contribute to a collaborative, positive, and healthy environment in which all are respected and valued. The entire document can be accessed here. Note this link will download/open a pdf document to your computer.
Rotary Down Under Nov 2024 |
Committee Updates November 2024![]() Here is a summary of reports........................
Club Meeting November 13 2024 Club Forum![]() Larry Green was chairperson for today's meeting that was a club forum and provided opportunities for club committees to update our members on activities in their respective committee. President Tim Lynch had the very enjoyable task of inducting our newest club member - Fr James Grant. Welcome Fr James. John Mason read the very moving poem In Flanders Fields by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae commemorating the efforts and sacrifices made by all those who fought to defend their country during WW1. |
Cup Day BBQ 2024![]() On cup day 16 members and partners got together at the home of Ron and Marilyn to enjoy a scrumptious bar- b-que, some great fellowship, excellent weather, and three people went home a little richer . Click to see more pics
Club Meeting November 6 2024 CilantroKarin Soster was chairperson for this evening's meeting at Cilantro where members and guests enjoyed a wonderful 3 course meal prepared by student chefs at Le Cordon Bleu Australia Cookery School, and very ably waited on by students undergoing an advanced diploma management course in hospitality. Ron Brownlees performed Invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia. Guests included Angela Lynch, Ken Oakes, Sarah Bennett, Gary Ramage, John and Diana Mulcahy, Margaret Toyas, and former club member Richard Wright, and of course our guest speaker - Simone Gescheit.
Club Meeting October 30 2024 Mord RC Project![]() |
Scouts Presentation![]() President Tim and Helen present achievement awards donated by Rotary at Glen Eria Stonnington Scouts Presentation afternoon. See more pics....courtesy Geoff Gartley
Applied Learning Awards Oct 2024![]() Rationale for ALAs Applied Learning assists students to develop vocational skills while completing secondary school. This includes the VCE Vocational Major (VM), Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC), Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VET) programs or School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs). |
Club Meeting October 23 2024 Denise GrockeLarry Green was our chairperson for today's meeting at Cilantro. Margaret Lucas performed Invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia. Tony Ryan and Charles Rener joined the meeting via Zoom. Visitors included Margaret Toyas, and our guest speaker - Professor and Past President of Beaumaris Rotary Club Denise Grocke. Quite a number of apologies were announced. |
Club Meeting October 16 2024 Nathan Burke![]() Dee Mason was chairperson for this week's club meeting that had a full house of club members and guests. Roy Kaplan performed the toast to Rotary and Australia. PDG Ian and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. How wonderful is Zoom to enable members half way around the world to join a club meeting. President Tim welcomed club members and guests. Here are some photos of this meeting courtesy of Geoff Gartley.
Club Meeting October 9 2024 PDG Bob Richards![]() Past District Governor Bob Richards addressed the |Club on the subject of The Rotary Foundation. A number of members were absent this morning whilst overseas. O'Brien's are in Sri Lanka. Ian and Helen are in the UK and Scandinavia. Larry and Sarah also OS. Ian and Helen and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. We had the pleasure of inducting three new members to our Club and Rotary International this morning. Jenny Stone, Kirsten Oakley and Chris Burrows.
Club Meeting October 2 2024 Onyx![]() Well done Ron and we are back at Cilantro next week. |
Thank You from Glen Eira SES![]() 2 Milwaukee light stands, 1 Still battery operated chain saw, 1 SES marquee, 1 Marquee bag,5 e Flares,5 Tabbards, 5 5 Crew Leader Brassards, 10 Head torches, 1 Fire PPE Kit, 1 4WD access platform,1 Duffle Bay. |
Club Meeting September 25 Onyx![]() Unfortunately we have to meet elsewhere whilst Cilantro is on semester break. Next week we are back there again.
Club Meeting Sept 18 2024 Libby DewarSue Loeliger was chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Barry Oliver performed the invocation and toast to Rotary and Australia. Glenda Stahel, Tony Ryan, and Charles Rener joined the meeting via Zoom.
Club Meeting Sept 11 2024 Chelt. SCNeville Kruss was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Barry Oliver performed Invocation and Toast to Rotary and Australia. Guests included Fr James Grant, Jenny Stone, and Cr Jim Magee; and our guest speakers Peter Allen - Asst Principal at Cheltenham Secondary College, and students Atika Saysouk and Lauren Hermann. Charles Rener, Tony Ryan, and Glenda Stahel joined the meeting via Zoom. Apologies were received from Sue Loeliger, Paul Fergusson, Sam Langridge, and Linda O'Brien. |
Emergency Plus App![]() As members may recall, a couple of weeks ago we had reason to call for an ambulance to attend at Cilantro. I am taking the opportunity now to recommend to members, and whoever else finds this article, to consider installing the Emergency Plus app on their smart device. And, to ensure you place a shortcut on your Home Screen. Opening the app at a time of emergency will give you immediate access to the appropriate phone numbers and, very importantly, provide accurate location information. Often a simple street address may not be available or useful. Read on into this article for how to obtain the app and a summary of what it contains.
Tim Wilson Evening Sept 4 2024![]() President Tim was chairperson for this evening's club meeting at Cilantro where club members, partners and guests enjoyed a wonderful dinner prepared by students studying at the Cordon Bleu Cookery School. Tony Ryan performed Invocation and the Toast to Rotary and Australia. Guests included Leonie Ryan, Puja Mahajan, Gary Ramage, Kieran and Bronwyn Lynch, former club member Richard Wright, Marie Arendsen and Jenny Fox from the R.C. Hampton, Jenny Stone, Kirsten Oakley, Chris Burrows, Peter Cummins from the R.C. Box Hill, Ross Delahunty, Ian Crane, and of course our guest speaker Tim Wilson. |
Savusavu Update![]() FROM OUR SISTER CLUB ROTARY CLUB OF SAVUSAVU {Rotary Club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central donated $1500.00 to this project last month} Rocket Burn Barrel Waste disposal, particularly plastic waste, is a major problem for remote villages and islands in Fiji. There is no recycling possible in these remote areas, so all garbage is either thrown into a casual landfill, burned in an open fire, left at the side of the road, or thrown into the sea. |
Important Polio Update![]() Please note, this is not an official update but one that I have prepared to update members of my own Rotary Club. Background: Since 1985, Rotary in conjunction with the World Health Organisation and more recently The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have sought to eliminate Polio from the planet. This has involved the immunization of some 2.5 billion children in 122 countries. Background of campaign here. This campaign has been incredibly successful, to the point where it could be claimed that cases have been reduced by 99.9%. Over the last two years, Polio (Type 1) has been endemic in only two countries namely Pakistan and Afghanistan where in 2022 there were 22 cases in total and 2023 there were 12 cases in total. This year, 2024 has taken a turn, on two fronts.
Registering for an Event![]() This article is intended to help members register themselves and/or a guest to a Club event. Note, your can also register your intention NOT to attend. If an event is inviting members to register there will be a button with the word: "Members" below "Online Registration". refer image at left. Note that you need to be already logged in as a member. If you are not a member, this page will not be of any help. It may still be possible to register for an event as a non member if the event is open to the public. Please refer to this Help article in full. |
Club Meeting Aug 28 2024 Website![]() Helen Nodrum was chairperson for today's club meeting. Alan Kempton performed invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia. Charles attended via Zoom, and Lili De Brango from Holmesglen attended as a guest. Apologies were received from Terry Kane, Fr James Grant, Kevin Egan and Linda O'Brien. We wish Faye Weeks all the best for her upcoming surgery.
Club Meeting Aug 21 2024 Don ElginPaul Ferguson, was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Tony Ryan and Charles Rener joined the meeting via Zoom. Barry Oliver performed invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia. Guests included Jenny Stone, June Egan, and Don Elgin - our guest speaker for today's meeting. President Tim announced apologies were received from Kellie Carruthers, Greg O'Shea, Glenda Oram, Helen Nodrum, Linda O'Brien, Faye Weeks, and Sam Langridge.
Thanks from ROMACThe following message was received from Minh Nguyen who attended our Club Meeting on the 14th August. Dear All, I would like to thank all of you at the Rotary Club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central for giving me the opportunity to present ROMAC to you last week and your donation of $2000 to ROMAC. Such generosity is very needed and meaningful. It certainly gives us, the volunteer Rotarians, encouragement in continuing the work in giving life-changing opportunities to those disadvantaged children. The club atmosphere was fun, friendly, relaxing but not lacking its class despite the early hours. I enjoyed it. Thanks to all. Regards, Minh Nguyen Regards Minh Nguyen ROMAC Southern Region Chair (Vic/Tas) Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children - ROMAC |
RYDA Cheltenham College Aug 19, 2024![]() A number of Club members attended a RYDA (Rotary Youth Driving Awareness), website here, event held at the Sandown Greyhound Facility. In attendance were Helen Nodrum, Grant Perry, Peter O'Brien, Jenny Stone, Ian Ballantine and Bruce Fitcher (Moorabbin Rotary Club). Helen Parker also came along as an observer and supporter for Jenny. This was the first time our Club has been involved with RYDA. The school we sponsored was the Cheltenham Secondary College and there were about 115 students and a further 10 or so staff. We hope to have a couple of the participants come along to a Club meeting in the near future to tell of their experience. I can assure you that all of us were very impressed by the program and were very proud of our Club for sponsoring the day. Please click on Read More for lots more pics.
Club Meeting August 14 2024 ROMAC![]() Our new club member, Kevin Egan, was our chairperson for this week's club meeting at Cilantro. Charles, Tony and Helen N joined the meeting via Zoom. Guests included James Grant and Jenny Stone, and Min Nguyen - our guest speaker. Apologies were received from Helen P, Linda, John, Dee, Alan and Faye.
Club Meeting Aug 7 2024 Trish CarrPeter O'Brien was chairperson at this week's club meeting at Cilantro. Charles and Karin attended via Zoom. Guests included James Grant, and Jean. Special birthday greetings for Linda O'Brien who celebrates her birthday today. GUEST SPEAKER - Trish Carr - Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood |
Evening Meeting July 31, 2024Linda was our chairperson for this evening’s meeting at Cilantro joined by partners, friends, and guests. Sam performed Invocation and the Toast to Rotary. Guests/friends included Rosie, Kirsten Oakley, Margaret Stoya, John and Desiree Levanson, and partners included June Egan, Leonie Ryan, Puja Mahajan, Ken Oakes, Sarah Bennett and Gary Ramage. It was a full house, with everyone enjoying a fabulous Cordon Bleu buffet prepared by Chef Barry, and a cohort of students who are completing their Certificate Level 4 in the Cordon Blue cookery school, backed up by students providing drinks and table service.
Club Meeting July 24, 2024 Member Kevin Egan![]() Julie was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Guests included Jenny Stone, Margaret Stoya, and James Grant. Glenda and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Jo performed invocation and the toast to Rotary.
Club Meeting July 17 2024 Gibney![]() Ron was our chairperson for today's club meeting with a return to our favourite venue Cilantro. Guests included Kate and Jane from Riding for the Disabled, and our guest speaker Matthew Gibney from Rotaract. Apologies were received from Tony, Linda, Barry, Larry, Dee and John. |
Vic Police Inside Story program![]() Members are encouraged to read it so we can perhaps discuss down the track. INSIDE STORY Inside Story is a program developed by the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation 25 years ago in conjunction with Victoria Police. It’s an event where the public can be part of an audience to hear detailed stories on significant crimes committed in Victoria from current, serving Victoria Police detectives. |
Hampton Changeover July 2024![]() I had the pleasure of attending the Changeover of the Rotary Club of Hampton on July 16th. Also in attendance from our Club were Linda and Peter O'Brien. It was at the Sandringham Yacht Club. More pics - take link |
Moorabbin Changeover July 15 2024![]() Helen and I , along with Linda and Peter O'Brien attended the Club Changeover of the Moorabbin Rotary Club on the evening of July 15, 2024. It was held at the McKinnon Hotel. Congratulations to all for a most pleasant evening. Incoming (joint) Presidents are Intha Chetty and Jothi Nelson.
Club Meeting July 10 2024Our meeting was once again held at the Onyx Cafe in Reserve Road, Cheltenham as Cilantro is closed during semester break. Meeting was mailnly fellowship and Committee discussions. We are back at Cilantro from the 17th.
Club meeting July 3 2024![]() Marg Lucas chaired today's club meeting at the popular cafe and restaurant - Onyx in Reserve Road, Cheltenham. A lovely and bright cafe within an industrial zone of Cheltenham with great food and ambience - though also a space shared with other patrons.
District Changeover June 2024![]() Well, this event marked the end of my year as DG. I am grateful to President Ron and Marilyn along with Peter and Linda O'Brien and AG Helen Nodrum for their attendance and support. It was a great evening and one I was a little relieved to get through.
A few photos follow and an album of photographs can be found here. |
Club Meeting June 26 2024![]() |
Club Changeover June 22 2024President Ron Brownlees passed on the President's Collar to Tim Lynch. The evening was MC'd by the amazing Dee Mason OMG who, once again did an amazing job! A highlight of the evening was the "singing chef" Guiseppe Fettuccini. PHF's were awarded to Faye Weeks, Grant Perry, and Linda O'Brien. Certificates of appreciation were awarded to Sue Loeliger, Sam Langridge, Neville Kruss, Margie Lucas, Peter O'Brien and Terry Kane An album of photos can be viewed here. |
Club Meeting June 12 2024![]() A fairly relaxed morning as we enjoyed some fellowship and reports from some of the Chairs. Click on Read More for more pics
Club Meeting Wednesday June 6 2024![]() Larry Green was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Paul Ferguson performed invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia. Helen Parker, Charles Rener and Karin Soster joined the meeting via zoom. Guests included Peter from the R.C of Beaumaris and Margaret, and our guest speakers Chris and Tania from the Moorabbin Proactive Policing Unit. Plus we had a very important new member induction......................... |
McInally Luncheon June 2 2024![]() The event was attended by the RI International President Gordon McInally and his wife Heather, who had generously agreed to "call in" on their way home from the Singapore International Convention. The invitation was originally extended, and accepted a year ago. Along with DG Ian, club members who attended were: Club President Ron Brownlees and Marilyn, Linda and Peter O'Brien, Karin Soster and Gary, Jo Impey, Helken Nodrum and Margie Lucas. Unfortuantely, Helen Parker was unable to attend as she has returned from Singapore with Covid and was home in bed feeling very unwell. Pictured above are our club members surrounding President Gordon. Click on read more for a higher res version of this photo along with a couple of others from the day. I will post more photos when they become available.
Club Meeting May 29 2024Our new club member, Barry Oliver, was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Larry Green performed the invocation and toast to Rotary and Australia. Guests included James Grant, Dee Mason, and James Aloni and Clare from the Salvation Army as our guest speakers. |
Club Meeting May 22 2024![]() Helen Nodrum was chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Guests included Dee Mason, Chris Burrows, Joan (former member of the now defunct Rotary Club of Glen Eira), and Jeremy O'Halloran - our guest speaker for today. Apologies were received from Tony Ryan, and Tim Moran. Helen announced this week is Emergency Services Week, recognising the efforts of Not for Profit organisations and their volunteers - our unsung heroes of local communities. Club members were invited to wear something orange to this week's club meeting A few members remembered - with smatterings of orange around the room. |
Club Meeting May 15 2024A very relaxed meeting this morning, chaired by Peter O'Brien. It was generally a meeting of fellowship, without a guest speaker. Grant Perry was back with his International Toast with a great presentation on Jamaica - the home of our RIPPR Haresh Ramchandani. A special guest this week was Dee Mason. ![]() More pics.....
Evening Club Meeting May 8 2024 CilantroPresident Ron chaired today's evening club meeting at Cilantro where club members, partners and guests enjoyed a lovely buffet dinner prepared by students in the Cordon Bleu Cooking School. Julie Reid performed Invocation and the Rotary Toast to Rotary and Australia. President Ron welcomed all club members and partners, with a special welcome to Madeleine Popper and Ron Popper , AG Les Martin, Louise Godfrey - Yoga teacher and last week's guest speaker, and Jinyola Blanco - houseguest/student of Larry Green and Sarah. |
Club Meeting May 1 2024![]() Our special speaker this week was Louise Godfrey "Chair Yoga, the benefits" Chairman for our meeting was, once again, Neville Kruss who, once again, did a great job. Members enjoyed a succulent breakfast provided by our special Cordon Bleu team.
Club Meeting April 24 2024![]() Grant Perry was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Geoff Gartly performed invocation and toast to Rotary. Visitors included Dee Mason, Lily, and Simon. Charles Rener and Karin Soster joined the meeting via zoom. Apologies were received from Jo Impey, Paul Ferguson, Linda O'Brien, and Faye Weeks. PRESIDENT'S REPORT - President Ron Brownlees ANZAC Day - Our club will present wreaths at the ANZAC dawn services at RSL Bentleigh, and Cheltenham. District Assembly - This year's district assembly will be conducted over Zoom with separate zoom meetings scheduled. Club officers and incoming committee chairs are encouraged to attend, including newer club members to get a better understanding of Rotary. TRIBUTE TO ANZACS - John Mason To commemorate our ANZACS John performed the Ode of Remembrance by reciting stanzas from the poem For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon. "Lest we Forget". |
Club Meeting April 17 2024![]() Secretary Neville was our chairperson for this week's club meeting, and called upon our newest club member, Kevin Egan, to perform invocation and the toast to Rotary. Apologies were received from Helen, Linda, Jo, and Paul. Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. There was no guest speaker for today's meeting and provided an opportunity to discuss other matters - namely, our wonderful BMC market - our fund raiser that has been going strong for over 40 years and never fails us. We are very lucky. |
RC Springvale End Polio Evening![]() What an amazing evening this is, held at Maxim's Saigon Restaurant in Springvale. I have already posted a story on the District 9810 site here. From our Club we had President Ron and Marilyn, Peter and Linda O'Brien, Helen Nodrum, Margie Lucas, Tim Lynch, Jo Impey. A special thanks, on behalf of (my) Helen to Linda O'Brien, Sam Langridge and Ron Brownlees for donating prizes to the raffle which raised $1,265.
Club Meeting April 3 Onyx Cafe![]() Because Cilantro is unavailable to us during mid semester break, we met up at the Onyx Cafe in Reserve Road. We were very well looked after with great coffees and a cooked breakfast. Larry was our Chairperson for the morning. More pics - take Read More link
Club Meeting March 27 2024![]() A very special meeting this week where we shared the induction of Kevin Egan as our Club's newest member. Kevin and his wife, June attended the Warrnambool Conference. We also reflected on the success of the District Conference. Please click on Read More for more pics of the meeting.
District Conference 2024![]() I am so proud of the contribution of so many of the members of our Club. All of you contributed to the outstanding success of the weekend. Having attended so many conferences in the past and watched other Clubs help their District Governor I knew how much "in the spotlight" it places the host club. You all did such a great job. You made me so proud of my Club and I am so very grateful. Click on Read More for more of this story. Also, David Liao's photos from the Conference are here. |
Club Meeting March 13 2024Our club’s legal eagle, Tony Ryan, was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Jo performed the invocation and toast to Rotary and Australia. Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. President Ron was an apology having flown the coop to see the sights of Norfolk Island.
Club Meeting March 6 2024![]() Peter, one of our Market Chairs ‘extraordinaire’, was our Chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Faye performed Invocation and the Toast to Rotary and Australia. Charles and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom.
News from RC of SavuSavu![]() NEWS FROM OUR SISTER/TWIN CLUB ROTARY CLUB OF SAVUSAVU URATA LOOKOUT CAFÉ In 2023, the Rotary Club of Savusavu in partnership with the mataqali Urata, whose land it is on, opened a lookout cafe above Urata Village. This project was all about economic empowerment of a rural community: up-skilling the local community, giving them a stake in tourism, environmental rehabilitation, establishing a highly attractive tourist stop on the Labasa - Savusavu road.
Club Meeting February 28 2024![]() Larry Green was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro, and called upon Alan Kempton to perform invocation and the Toast to Rotary and Australia. Charles, Neville and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. Visitors included Kevin Siergesma, and Kevin Egan.
Club Meeting February 21 2024![]() Our illustrious president Ron Brownlees with chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Neville performed the invocation and Rotary toast. Tony R, Charles R, and Karin S joined the meeting via zoom. Ron welcomed visitors Kevin Egan, and Kevin Siergesma. Ron listed a number of apologies for today’s meeting. GUEST SPEAKER – Kathy Langley - Huntington’s Disease |
Club Meeting Feb 14 2024![]() Julie Reed was our chairperson for today’s breakfast meeting at Cilantro. Terry performed the Invocation and Toast to Rotary and Australia. Neville, Charles, and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. GUEST SPEAKER – Club member and Immediate Vice President Glenda Stahel |
Social afternoon at the O'Briens![]() Once again members Linda and Peter O'Brien generously opened their home to host a wonderful afternoon. Whilst it got a little warm, we all survived under the shade of the trees in the lovely garden. There were well over 30 present including a few friends of Rotary. Our thanks to Linda and Peter - a great afternoon of fellowship. Click on Read More to get a few pics. |
Club meeting Feb 7 2024![]() Linda was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Paul performed Invocation and the loyal toast to Rotary and Australia. Charles joined the meeting via Zoom.
Club Meeting January 31 2024![]() Peter O’Brien was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Alan performed invocation and the toast to country. Helen P, and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Apologies were received from Jo, Roy, and Linda.
Club Meeting Jan 24 2024![]() Our illustrious and incoming President Elect, Tim Lynch, was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro – our first breakfast back at Cilantro, and aren’t we lucky to have such a wonderful venue for our club meetings. Faye performed invocation and Rotary toast with some lovely words. Apologies were received from Linda O’Brien, Helen Parker, Kellie Carruthers, and Tony Ryan. Ron arranged a 50th Birthday Celebration Cake to commemorate our club’s 50th Rotary Anniversary. Thank you Ron and a lovely gesture.
Club Meeting January 17 2024![]() Tim Moran was today’s chairperson for our first club meeting for 2024 at The Deck in Brighton. The meeting was well attended and everyone enjoyed a lovely casual breakfast prepared by staff at The Deck. DG Ian and Helen P joined the meeting via Zoom. Guests included partners – Ken, Gary and Asia. Attendance apologies were received from Geoff Gledhill, Paul F, Kelly C, Vishal M, Samantha L, Julie R, Barry O, and Roy K.
Club Meeting December 13 2023Today’s meeting at Cilantro was our last for 2023 and what a fun meeting it was and enjoyed by all who attended. Alan chaired the meeting, and Glenda, Faye and Roy were apologies. Grant performed his International Club toast which, very fittingly, was toasted to President Svein Magne Sirnes of the Rotary Club of Drobak in Norway – Drobak officially being recognised worldwide as the ‘home of Santa Claus’.
Club Meeting December 6 2023![]() Jo was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Geoff Gartly performed the invocation and toast to Rotary and Australia. Charles and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. PRESIDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS – President Ron Apologies for today’s club meeting - Alan, Faye, Tony, Sam, Glenda, and Roy. Ron reminded everyone of the following dates and events: Sunday 10/12/23 – is our end of year function at Dendy Café, Dendy Park in Brighton 1-4pm. Monday 11/12/23 – BMC Board meeting in Cilantro at 7.30pm Wednesday 13/12/23 – our last club meeting for this year at Cilantro Wednesday 17/1/24 – first club meeting for 2024 – morning meeting at The Deck in Bay Street, Brighton – venue to be confirmed. |
Special Evening Meeting November 29 2023This week we enjoyed a very special evening with guest speaker, author Laraine Stephens. We had a number of guests attend on the evening and all appeared to have enjoyed the night. Laraine had worked as a teacher-librarian and Head of Library before she became a writer of historical crime fiction. Her first novel in the Reggie da Costa Mysteries, was The Death Mask Murders (2021) followed by Deadly Intent (2022) and then A Deadly Game in 2023. Laraine sets her Reggie da Costa Mysteries in Melbourne, early 20th century, in the aftermath of the Great war and during the heady days of 1920's, when gangs, sly grog and gambling dens inhabited the back streets of Melbourne. Laraine happily signed copies of her books at the end of the evening. Our thanks to Tony and the staff at Holmsglen for making our evening so special. Take read more link to see some pics of the evening.
Club Meeting Nov 22 2023 AGM![]() Sue was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro, and also did a double act of performing Invocation and a toast to Rotary and Australia. Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Another lovely breakfast with a superb selection was prepared by the students and budding chefs of The Cordon Bleu Cookery School. Today’s meeting was also our club’s Annual General Meeting. |
Club Meeting November 15 2023![]() President Ron chaired today’s club meeting at Cilantro where we enjoyed a Cordon Bleu buffet breakfast prepared by the cookery school budding chefs. Julie performed invocation, and Faye performed the loyal toast. Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Guests included Marilyn Brownlees, and Gary Ramage. Apologies came from Paul Ferguson, Geoff Gartly, Kelly Carruthers, Barry Oliver, Helen Nodrum and John Mason.
High Tea Sunday November 12![]() We were fully booked. A big success. Thank you to everyone who contributed. We raised around $5000 for PNG mothers and babiesFayeTake Read More for pics |
Club Meeting November 8 2023![]() oday’s morning meeting at Cilantro was a club forum, with President Ron providing an update for the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot Program, and garnering thoughts and ideas from club members for the club moving forward. It was a welcome return for club member John accompanied by daughter Bronwyn, and Greg who was able to get away from his busy new life in Geelong. Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. |
Marriott House RelocationMarriott House Relocation to meet clients needs As part of the needs to update the facilities at Marriott House, it was decided by the Marriot Board, that extension modifications to apply with OH&S requirements would not be able to be carried out on the current facility at Wheatley Road, and as such it was decided to relocate to various locations away for the existing location. The new facilities will be at Hampton East and Hughesdale to meet with the clients needs and expand to locations more in keeping with the NDIS program. The Rotary Club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central received an invitation to the Marriott Community new service site OPEN DAY at 898 Nepean Highway, Hampton East, on Friday 27 October 2023, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. This was attended by club members at the new facility to have an overview of the building as Kellie Carruthers and other members of staff showed club members around as Marriot Community continues to supports those in our community with disabilities to achieve their goals and live an independent life. Hampton East will provide us with a modern location that is close to all amenities to support the capacity building of our NDIS participants . Want to know more contact Kellie @ Marriott : |
Club Meeting November 1 2023![]() Faye chaired this evening’s club meeting at Cilantro where we enjoyed a fabulous 3 course meal with cheese being focused and included in each course in various guises. Sam performed Invocation, and Helen N performed the Loyal Toast. Faye welcomed her son, Scott, our guest speaker, and daughter Kate, husband Ken, guests Rotarian Liz DeNitts and daughter Loretta, our former exchange student to Finland, and welcomed other member partners – Sarah , Warren and Gary.
The Big Serve![]() A number of members attended "The Big Serve" on Sunday. Included were President Ron, Grant, Larry and Sarah, Neville, Sue, Sam, Kellie and Helen (P). (Forgive me if I've left anyone out - please let me know - IanB) Our Club was well represented with our marquee and we served lots of sausages and burgers. Here are some photos provided by Helen and Ron.
Marriot Services Open Day![]() Om the 26th Oct Marriot support service opened a new site in Hampton East . Marriott supports those in our community with disability to achieve their goals and live an independent life. Hampton East will provide us with a modern location that is close to all amenities to support the capacity building of our NDIS participants . Want to know more contact Kellie @ Marriott : Click on Read More to see more photos |
Club Meeting October 25 2023![]() Helen N chaired today’s morning meeting at Cilantro where we had a full room of club members and guests for the presentation by Anton Hockey of RYDA – Rotary Youth Driver Awareness program. Guests included Rebecca Bullock – RYDA coordinator, Peter Allen – Asst Principal Cheltenham S C, Brent Govan – CEO Vocational Dept – Holmesglen Tafe, Bob Williams – R.C. Nunawading, and Trish Smyth and Vivienne Zuppolate – R.C. Beaumaris. Karin perform invocation and Larry performed the loyal toast. Tim M and Charles joined the meeting via zoom.
Holland Foundation Caulfield Cup Eve function![]() The event was held at the Sandringham Yacht Club that began at 7:00pm Upon arrive all the ladies were given a presentation pack that included a bottle of Yarra Glen sparkling, as well as chocolates, cookies and other tasty morsels |
Club Meeting October 18 2023People on Zoom - Charles Rener, Tony Ryan, Helen Nodrum Invocation - Sue Loeliger Loyal Toast - Neville Kruss Chair - Linda O’Brien It was a small group in attendance at Cilantro, due to a number of factors including, sickness, work commitments and travel. One such traveller was our esteemed President Ron Brownlees having a short break with his lovely wife Marilyn. Vice President Linda O’Brien took his place and delivered Rons Presidents Report to the club |
Club Meeting Oct 11 2023![]() Chairperson Grant Perry. Invocation Jo Impey Royal Toast Alan Kempton. President Ron Brownlees welcomed Neil Soullier OAM our Guest Speaker. Club Announcements Interplast $5000 HighTea 12th Nov.Help needed 11th Nov to move chairs at the Healey Tennis at Beaumaris 29th Oct. 12-3pm to serve BBQ Lunch Apologies Geoff Gartley, Sam Langridge |
Rio Carnivale Charity Ball![]() Helen and I, along with Jo Impey attended the Share me a Dream Rio Carnivale Charity Ball on Saturday evening. Club member Terry Kane is the main organiser and driving force behind this wonderful organisation which funds projects in the Philipines. A great night - well done Terry. Click on button to see more pics.
Club Meeting October 4 2023![]() Neville chaired today’s club meeting with a welcome return to Cilantro. Sam performed Invocation, and Karin performed the loyal toast. Members Glenda and Charles joined the meeting via zoom. Guests included our guest speaker, Hadi Saab – Mayor of City of Kingston, and Marina Shneyder – guest of Larry Green. Welcome to all. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL CLUB TOAST Grant conducted the Rotary International club toast to President Anne Isavwa and members of the Rotary Club of Mbuluzi-Mbabane in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), in Africa. Eswatini is a landlocked country in Southern Africa – bordered by Mozambique and South Africa. The club was chartered in 1990 and is the third oldest Rotary club in Eswatini and one of two clubs based in the capital city. Projects include providing painting materials for Ekwetsembeni Special School, a play area for Sinethemba Preschool, donations for the annual scholarship program for the Salvation Army High School, Solar lamps for students at disadvantaged schools, support for Diabetes Eswatini, and providing food hampers for the elderly. |
Club Meeting September 27 2023Karin was chairperson for today’s club breakfast meeting held at The Deck, Bay Street, Brighton. Tony conducted invocation and Kellie conducted the loyal toast. Partners Ken Oakes and Gary Ramage joined the meeting.
Club Meeting September 20, 2023![]() Today’s meeting was a social evening where a group of approximately 20 members and partners enjoyed each other’s company and a lovely meal at Cheltenham RSL. President Ron called on Larry to perform Invocation before the following announcements were made: |
Club Meeting September 13 2023![]() Faye was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Karin performed Invocation and Alan performed the Loyal Toast. Glenda and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Former member, Richard Wright, was also a guest at today’s club meeting. Larry introduced Brent Govan, Principal of Holmesglen Institute of TAFE, who is interested in taking up Corporate Membership. A warm welcome was conveyed to all. GUEST SPEAKER – Fr James Grant |
Club meeting Wednesday September 5 2023![]() Paul was our chairperson for today’s meeting at Cilantro opening the meeting with an Acknowledgement to Country. Tony performed Invocation, and Faye performed the Loyal Toast. Charles, Helen, Marg, Glenda and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom.
Club Meeting August 30 2023![]() Tony Ryan was chairperson for today’s evening meeting at Cilantro – a wonderful evening with club members, partners and guests. Made all the more enjoyable with a 3 course meal prepared by budding Cordon Bleu chef students in the final dinner for their course. The food was delicious. Tim L performed invocation, and Larry performed the loyal toast. |
Club Meeting August 23 2023![]() Peter O was our Chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Helen N performed Invocation and Julie performed the Loyal Toast. Glenda and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Guests included Tom from SES, and Tania Hutchison from Stride Education, and our Guest Speaker, Rebecca McKenzie, CEO of Glen Eira Council. MEMBER INDUCTION President Ron had the very pleasant duty of inducting Barry Oliver to our club, and invited D.G. Ian to present the Rotary International lapel pin. Barry looks forward to meeting all club members and participating in our programs. |
Springvale RC 20th Anniversary |
MUNA 2023 |
Club Meeting August 16 2023 DG Visit![]() Larry Green chaired today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Julie Reid performed invocation and Neville Kruss performed the Loyal Toast. Glenda Stahel and Charles Rener joined the meeting via zoom. Guests included D9810 A.G. Les Marton, Marilyn Brownlees, Gary Ramage and Barry Oliver. Today’s breakfast was a buffet breakfast prepared by Cordon Bleu students – a lovely selection enjoyed by all.
Club Meeting August 9 2023Sergeant John Mason was chairperson for today’s evening meeting at Cilantro where members enjoyed an excellent and delicious 3 course meal prepared by Holmesglen chefs and an army of Cordon Bleu students (and no mushrooms!). Sue Loeliger performed Invocation and Faye Weeks performed the Loyal Toast. Tony Ryan joined the meeting via Zoom. Guests included Ernie and Jo (guests of Peter and Linda O’Brien), and member partners, Ken Oakes, Sarah Bennett and Gary Ramage. Sergeant John Mason was chairperson for today’s evening meeting at Cilantro where members enjoyed an excellent and delicious 3 course meal prepared by Holmesglen chefs and an army of Cordon Bleu students (and no mushrooms!). Sue Loeliger performed Invocation and Faye Weeks performed the Loyal Toast. Tony Ryan joined the meeting via Zoom. Guests included Ernie and Jo (guests of Peter and Linda O’Brien), and member partners, Ken Oakes, Sarah Bennett and Gary Ramage. |
Signed St Kilda Football Jumper![]() Our Rotary member Paul Ferguson CEO was responsible for obtaining a Signed St Kilda football jumper This was donated by the Moorabbin Airport to Inner Wheel
It was auctioned this week at the IW meeting raising $500 for a charity 3D Hands. One happy IW lady is now the owner Thank you Paul and the Moorabbin Airport |
Club meeting August 2 2023Geoff Gartly was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. D.G. Ian performed invocation and Paul performed the loyal toast. Tony, Glenda, Helen, Charles and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. INTERNATIONAL CLUB TOAST – Grant Perry |
Club Meeting July 26 2023Julie Reid chaired today’s club meeting at Cilantro. D.G. Ian Ballantine performed Invocation and Peter O’Brien performed the Loyal Toast. Guests included Henrietta Foley, BMC RYLA participant and our guest speaker for today, and her supporters – parents Cree and Peter Foley, grandmother Kathy, Matthew (Rotaract Club of Whitehorse), friend Maria and Eva from Holmesglen. An army of members joined the meeting via Zoom – PP Glenda Stahel, Tony Ryan, Charles Rener, Neville Kruss, Helen Parker; and from D9810 District RYLA Committee- Trish Carr and Les Marton.
Impact for Women in Sandringham![]() Yesterday ( Saturday 22/7) I delivered the donations from club members to Impact for Women in Sandringham. They were very grateful to receive them especially as they were running low on toiletries. Thank you again to everyone who so generously donated. It is much appreciated by me and those who will ultimately receive your donations. |
Club Meeting July 19 2023Peter O’Brien was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Charles R. PP Glenda S and Karin S joined the meeting via Zoom. |
District Changeover Photos![]() District Changeover Photos are now available here. David Liao ( Rotary Club of Waverley ) was our photographer on the evening. His photos can now be seen here. Follow "Read More" to see a nice club shot.
Club Meeting July 12 2023President Ron was chairperson again for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Tim Lynch performed Invocation and Julie Reid performed the loyal toast. Our guest speaker today was Grant Holland from the Holland Foundation, and Barry Oliver and Nicholas Bowman were club guests. |
District Changeover PhotosGeoff Gartly has posted some photos from the district Changeover here David Liao has also posted photos here
Club Meeting July 5 2023
Club Meeting June 14 2023Marg Lucas was our chairperson at today’s club meeting at Cilantro, and marks the last club meeting for the Rotary year. Grant performed Invocation and Faye conducted the loyal toast. Sue and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Guests included Trinh, Serge, Barry Oliver, Sharon Haig – Director of Nursing at Sandringham Hospital, Malcolm Chiverton – District 9810 Membership Chair, and partners Ken Oakes, Marilyn Brownlees and Warren Stahel. |
Club Meeting June 7 2023 FellowshipJo Impey was chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro – which was also a fellowship meeting. Marg Lucas performed the invocation, and Tim Lynch performed the loyal toast. Tony joined the meeting via Zoom. Barry Oliver attended as a guest.
Fellowship Night at the Weeks's![]() A great number of members and partners attended a great evening of fellowship at the home of Ken and Faye Weeks on Saturday evening. The dinner was spectacular and the company even better. Here are a few pics. Thanks to Ken and Faye for once again opening your lovely home to your fellow members and friends.
Bayspeak Final![]() On Wednesday evening, June 7 Warren and I together with Ian Ballantine, Margaret Lucas and Helen Nodrum attended the final of the Bayspeak competition. There were twelve participants with a winner in the Junior section and a winner in the Senior section. All participants spoke for a maximum of 6 minutes, with adjudicators from Bayside Toast masters. Another evening listening to impressive young people from different schools presenting on a topic of their choice. The winner of the senior section was from Brighton Secondary College and from the junior section, Shelford Girls School.
International Dinner |
Marriot Services Ball![]() A number of members attended the Marriot Services Ball on Thursday May 25 at The Waterfront, Station Pier Our Club received an award in recognition of our support. In addition, Ron Brownlees received a very special award, being made a Life Member. Congratulations Ron.
Club Meeting May 24 2023![]() Alan Kempton was today’s chairperson, with Grant conducting Invocation and Ron the Loyal Toast. Special guests from the Philippines and guests of member, Terry Kane, were P.E. Sonia Garcia, Kathy Uy, PP Arthur Uy and daughter Kaely Uy – who are attending this year’s Rotary Convention in Melbourne. Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Photos to come
Club Meeting May 17 2023 Wadzanai NenzouJo was our chairperson for this evening’s club meeting at Cilantro which was a cocktail party with fine and delicious savoury and sweet finger food prepared by the kitchen team and students in the kitchens of Cilantro. The meeting was well attended with club members, partners and guests.
Bayspeak 2023![]() Bayspeak brings together the most talented senior and junior secondary school students from the Bayside and surrounding area to compete in a speaking competition, with an aim to build confidence and harness leadership qualities. Bentleigh Moorabbin Central Rotary Club are proudly supporting the delivery of this competition alongside the Rotary Clubs of Brighton, Brighton North, Cheltenham and Sandringham and Bayside Toastmasters.
Club Meeting May 10 2023 Cheryne Blom and new memberDGE Ian was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Ron conducted Invocation, and Tony conducted the Loyal Toast to King and Country. Tim introduced his two guests – Michelle and Aimee. Charles joined the meeting via Zoom.
Creating an EventThis article is intended to be an aid to members given responsibility of creating / editing what are termed as "events" within the Events module of ClubRunner. Note that events added via this module automatically appear on the Home Page, Events Page, Club Bulletin and in people's calendars if they are synch'd (instructions below) It is suggested you have this article open in one Tab of your Browser and open the Events module in another. |
Club Meeting May 3 2023Sam chaired today’s meeting at Cilantro, with Helen conducting Invocation, and Peter O – the Loyal Toast. Neville joined via Zoom, and a surprise visit from former member Max Trist. |
Club meeting April 26 2023Helen chaired today’s meeting at Cilantro, with Paul conducting Invocation, and Anna the Loyal Toast. And we were joined by Irina – Anna’s guest for the meeting. Charles and Peter joined the meeting via Zoom. ANZAC Services Many of our club members joined one of the many ANZAC services held yesterday to commemorate ANZAC Day - at Cheltenham, Bentleigh, Caulfield, Oakleigh, Highett and Dingley. It was suggested our club should place a wreath at next years’ service at Bentleigh RSL. Guest Speaker – Alan Brown |
Club Meeting April 19 2023 PDG Daryl MoranGUEST SPEAKER – PDG Dr Daryl Moran The last time PDG Daryl visited our club was in the capacity as DG of D9810, however, today he came to talk about his book Empire’s Noble Son which was published in 2019 and tells of the little known story of a very brave Australian soldier during WW1, 2nd Lt Lyle Buntine MC, who was a member of the British Royal Flying Corp. David’s talk portrayed the life and times, and the essence of what was considered important in Australia during the early 20th Century where reverence was held for “God, King and Country”. Lyle Buntine was born Walter Horace ‘Lyle’ Buntine and attended Caulfield grammar 1903 – 1913 when it was a private school owned by his father. |
From Calvary Care Tables Chairs and Music![]() This is a letter from David Zerman, Fundraising and Philanthropy Coordinator, Calvary Health Care Bethlehem - Kooyong Precinct. Tables, Chairs and Music A winning community combination from Members of the Rotary Club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central to support Calvary Bethlehem patients |
Club Meeting April 12 2023 Calvary Care![]() Club Visit to Calvary Care Bethlehem This week’s club meeting took place at Calvary Bethlehem Hospital in South Caulfield, with a continental breakfast served in the St Luke’s Education Centre in their wonderful new premises. Club members were welcomed by David Zerman and Karyn Conway. |
Club Meeting April 4 2023 Langridge and KellieThis was a morning meeting with very special guest speaker, David Langridge, father of member Samantha. We also had the pleasure this week of inducting our newest member, Kellie Carruthers Larry Green was chairperson for today’s meeting at Cilantro. Jo Impey performed Invocation and Neville Kruss performed the Loyal Toast.
Community Planting Day![]() Our club was represented by members Peter O’Brien, Samantha Langridge and Helen Nodrum. Congratulations to the members of Glen Eira’s sustainability, parks and gardens teams on what was a very successful morning during which 2,000 shrubs, groundcovers and grasses were planted by 150 community volunteers at Wattle Grove Reserve in McKinnon. |
Club Meeting March 29 2023Grant Perry was our Chairperson for this morning’s meeting at Cilantro. Jo Impey performed the invocation and Roy Kaplan performed the loyal toast. Charles Rener, Larry Green and Claire O’Brien (RYLA participant) joined via Zoom, with Larry zooming in from a hospital bed at Sandringham Hospital. This morning’s meeting celebrated youth and young adults who have benefited from participating in various programs supported by Rotary and our club. Guests included Matthew Gibney (Rotaract Club of Whitehorse) and Lucy Shao (Rotaract Club of Monash), Monique Andejelic and Tilde Verhoeven (NYSF participants) and parents, Lloyd Thomas-Morgan and Kai Farrugia (students from Holmesglen Vocational College) and Eva Filinis (Counsellor for Holmesglen Vocational College).
Club Evening Meeting Mar 22 2023Greg O’Shea was our chairperson for this special evening club meeting - cocktail party at Cilantro. Guests enjoyed a wide selection of especially prepared finger food served with drinks from the bar, with desserts to follow. President Glenda welcomed club members, partners and invited guests, and our guest speaker, Domenic Saporito of Mentor Match who was also a guest speaker at our recent District conference in Canberra. Note there are more photos here |
Club Meeting Mar 15 2023![]() Karin Soster was chairperson for today’s meeting at Cilantro. Sue Loeliger provided invocation and Neville Kruss provided the loyal toast. Charles Rener joined the meeting via Zoom. Guest was Kellie Carruthers from Marriott Support Services. Today’s club meeting was Club Fellowship with club committees grouped to conduct committee meetings with a presentation to follow. |
Community planting day April 2023![]() City of Glen Eira Community planting day Join in at Wattle Grove Reserve in McKinnon for a community planting day to help increase habitat for native fauna in our public open space. Details here |
International Women's Day 2023![]() INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2023 KINGSTON TOWN HALL Margaret Lucas, Greg O’Shea and myself attended this event on Wednesday last to celebrate International Women’s Day. There were over 400 guests in attendance to celebrate 38 women recognised and nominated for this year’s awards. Our congratulations go to former club member, Lisa Kinross, on her worthy nomination. |
Lift the Lid on Mental Health March 2023![]() ROTARY CLUB OF YARRAWONGA MULWALA INAUGURAL “LIFT THE LID ON MENTAL HEALTH WALK 2023” I had the good fortune whilst up in Yarrawonga recently to join the local Rotary club for their inaugural walk “Lift the Lid on Mental Health”. |
Club Meeting March 8 2023Rotary Meeting 8th March2023 Chairperson Greg OShea Invocation Margaret Lucas Loyal Toast Roy Kaplan No guests attended No Presidents announcements |
Club Meeting March 1 2023![]() Chairperson Faye Weeks Invocation Peter OBrien Loyal Toast Jo Impey Guests Barry Oliver friend Geoff Gartley. Ian Chart friend Neville Kruss. Zoom Charles Rener Pics to come |
Club Meeting Feb 22 2023 Bayside Gift![]() Tim Lynch was our chairperson for today’s evening meeting at Cilantro. It was a full house with club members, partners and invited guests who came to listen to Tim Mason, president of the Beachside Gift, and enjoy a wonderful dinner prepared by Cordon Bleu students at Holmesglen and the kitchen team at Cilantro. Sam conducted invocation and Greg performed the loyal toast.
Meeting Feb 15 2023 Paul Ferguson![]() Tony chaired today’s meeting at Cilantro. Sue performed Invocation and Helen performed the Loyal Toast. Karin joined via Zoom and apologies were announced.
Meeting Feb 8 2023 Membership![]() Grant was our chairperson for today’s meeting at Cilantro. Peter N performed Invocation, and Tony performed the Loyal Toast. Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Today’s meeting focused on membership initiatives for attracting new members. |
Club Meeting February 1 2023![]() Paul Ferguson was our chairperson for today’s meeting at Cilantro. International Club Toast
Afternoon at the O'Briens January 29 2023![]() Members Linda and Peter O'Brien kindly opened up their lovely home, especially their charming rear garden, to members and friends of our Rotary Club on Sunday. A very pleasant time was had by all. A great variety of delicious food was provided courtesy of Linda and a number of members. We all enjoyed being served by Linda and Peter's charming granddaughter, Georgia. Thnak you so much Linda and Peter for your generous hospitality. |
Club Meeting January 25 2023![]() Chairperson: Faye Weeks Speaker: 9810 District Governor Elect Ian Ballantine Ian arrived wearing a very colourful shirt of an Indigenous design which he went on to explain was worn by all Australian and New Zealand incoming District Governors and partners at the International Assembly held at Shingle Creek Hotel, in Florida USA. |
International Assembly 2023 |
Interact District Assembly Dec 5 2022![]() I had the pleasure of attending the Interact District Assembly at Camberwell Grammar School on Monday, 5th December 2022. The day was facilitated by Immediate Past District Governor 9810, Dr Daryl Moran. In attendance were teams from at least 13 schools, and included students and teachers. More pics...follow link
Emerald and District day Puffing Billy 2022![]() Emerald and District Rotary Club held their Annual fundraiser on Sunday at Gembrook. The day features children's running races against Puffing Billy. A most successful day with proceeds going to the Monash Childrens Hospital More pics follow link
Club Meeting November 30 2022 Weather Satellites
Bikes for Rochester![]() Our Club has undertaken a project to "rescue" push bikes from the now closed Camelot Traffic School in East Bentleigh and deliver them to the good people of Rochester, Victoria. |
Club Meeting November 23 2022 AGMLarry was our chairperson for today’s club meeting and AGM at Cilantro. Alan performed the invocation and Tim L performed the loyal toast. Charles and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom.
Market Advertising![]() Rotary Bentleigh Sunday Market chair, Ron Brownlees recently organised some great advertising for the market. Two digital signs were set up on the corner Nepean Highway and South Rd Moorabbin , outbound. And another on the corner North and Tucker Rds Ormond-inbound. They were displayed during the week of November 7th to 13th. |
Bentleigh Festival November 20 2022![]() After overcoming some minor issues, we were able to attend the 2022 Bentleigh Festival on Sunday 20th November. People started arriving before 10.00am and we were set up around 10.30am. Thanks to Jo Impey and Helen Nodrum for assisting in taking the Rotary marquee down Centre Road to just outside Aldi. The weather was very pleasant until the first of several rain showers swept in from the west. Nothing seemed to deter the thousands of attendees from enjoying themselves at the multiple food outlets and entertainment/amusement attractions. Obviously, the fact that this was the first Festival since 2019 meant that everyone was keen to be there. Plenty of dry spells during the day meant that the marquee was able to dry out before we packed it away. |
Club Meeting Nov 16 2022 Sam LangridgePRESIDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS – President Margaret President Margaret outlined the program for the rest of 2022.
Melbourne Convention Promotion![]() Taken from the RI website here The host city of the 2023 Rotary International Convention is multiple cities rolled into one By Meagen Martin Photography by Rhys Martin Register now at 15 December is the last day for the early registration discount. |
Club Meeting November 9 2022 Ken MiramsGreg was chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Ron performed invocation and Tony performed the loyal toast. John read the poem by John McCrae called " In Flanders Field" to commemorate Remembrance Day. Glenda and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. A buffet breakfast was catered by Holmesglen Certificate IV students as part of their Certificate IV Commercial Cookery course.
Rotary and Ukraine Friends deliver ambulances![]() Rotary members, Ukraine Friends deliver ambulances to Ukrainian officials From the RI website here A convoy of nearly 40 ambulances wound its way from Slovakia, around mountains and through roadblocks, military checkpoints, and torrential rain to arrive in Kyiv, bringing the critically needed vehicles to Ukrainian government officials.
Club Meeting November 2 2022 Angel Flight Faye was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Ron conducted the invocation and Neville conducted the loyal toast. Faye welcomed guests – Denise and Chris from R.C. Beaumaris, Rod and Sean, our guest speakers from Angel Flights, and husband Ken. Tony, Julie and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. |
Zone 8 Training and Conference Oct 2022![]() Last week I had the honour of attending several days of training, in preparation for my year as District Governor, 9810. This was along with all my colleagues from the other 25 Districts that cover Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Our Zone also includes East Timor and PNG.
At the conclusion of our training we attended the Zone 8 Conference which took place over the weekend. The events took place in Canberra. |
Club Meeting October 26 2022 RYLA![]() Helen was our chairperson for this evening’s meeting at Cilantro. Guests included Nigel Cousins - D9820 RYLA Chair and Ann Cousins, Les Marton - D9810 RYLA Chair, Trish Carr – D9810 RYLA Coordinator, Loreto Pinnuck - guest of Helen and Margaret L, Maureen Mateer - guest of Linda & Peter O’Brien, Jason - accompanying guest speaker – Claire O’Brien, Carol and Leah – Vic Police Youth Resource Officers, and Rotary partners – Angela Lynch, Sarah Bennett, Leonie Ryan and Gary Ramage.
Weekly Meeting Oct 19 2022 Children FirstMargaret Lucas was chairperson for today’s club meeting at the bulletin. Tim L performed invocation, and Helen conducted the loyal toast. Glenda and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom.
Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation![]() From the RI Website here Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation extending fundraising partnership to eradicate polio
Partnership will infuse an additional US$450 million into global polio eradication effort |
Caulfield community AGM/dinnerI had the pleasure of attending the South Caulfield Community Centre AGM and dinner on Monday last, 17th October. This event was conducted in the Chapel area of the community centre. Those in attendance included the Governing Board members, Salaried staff and volunteers, along with Faye Kirkwood and Merv Ritter from Rotary Club of Caulfield. |
Club Meeting Oct 12 2022Julie Reid was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Tim L performed invocation and Helen performed the loyal toast. Julie welcomed our guest speaker Daniela Markovic. Peter N and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom.
Works at Marriot Oct 10 2022![]() Monday October 10 saw a number of volunteers helping out at Marriot House.
Whilst we weren't required to help, Linda and Peter O'Brien provided some food and refreshments. |
Community Safety Day Oct 9 2022![]() A number of members attended the Glen Eira Community Safety Day on Sunday, Oct 9 2022 Thanks to Faye Weeks and Ron Brownlees for photos
Club Meeting October 5 Story DogsPaul Ferguson was today’s chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Greg performed invocation and Tony performed the loyal toast. And before there were further proceedings, Paul performed an acknowledgement to country. Jo, Charles and Karin joined via Zoom. Paul welcomed our guest speaker – Maureen Bolar from Story Dogs.
The human touch![]() A Ukrainian family found refuge in the home of a Polish Rotarian By Geoffrey Johnson Produced by Andrew Chudzinski Photography by Monika Lozinska |
A new weapon against polio![]() From the RI website here A modified vaccine offers hope that eradication is closer than ever By Jason Keyser |
Club Meeting September 28 2022 The Healey![]() Jo was our chairperson at this morning club meeting at The Healey in South Road Moorabbin. A lovely breakfast was prepared by Sue and her team at The Healey, with breakfast served in the community room, and our guest speaker presentation held in the lounge. Tony performed the loyal toast, and Karin performed the invocation.
GUEST SPEAKER – Vicky McKay, president of Sandringham Life Saving Club – Silver Salties program |
Rotary President Jennifer Jones announces US$150 million pledge toward polio eradication![]() From the RI website here Rotary International President Jennifer Jones appeared on the main stage at the star-studded Global Citizen Festival on 24 September to highlight Rotary’s commitment to eradicating polio and announce an additional US$150 million pledge toward that end. |
Re-emergence of polio underscores the need for eradication![]() From the RI website here The detection of poliovirus, and even cases of polio, in places where it hasn’t been found for years has demonstrated once again that eradicating a human disease isn’t easy, especially in the final stages. In recent months, an unvaccinated man in the United States was paralyzed. In the UK, poliovirus was detected in sewage. In Malawi, a child contracted polio. And Mozambique announced its first polio outbreak in 30 years. |
Club Meeting Sept 21 2022Ron chaired today's club meeting at Cilantro. Larry conducted
Invocation and Geoff conducted the Loyal toast after the club observed a minutes silence in recognition of the Queens passing. Tony, Charles, Glenda, Peter N, Terry and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. |
Fellowship at Arcobar![]() A number of members enjoyed a great night of fellowship at the Arcobar in Moorabbin. Amongst the group were Jo, Sam, Grant, Anna, Julie and Stewart, Ron and Marilyn, Neville and Cheryl, Alan and Julie, Faye and Ken, and John and Margaret |
Rotary, Ukraine Friends to collaborate on addressing needs in Ukraine![]() From the RI website here Rotary International and the U.S.-based nonprofit Ukraine Friends have agreed to collaborate to provide resources, organize logistics, and distribute funds for high-impact projects that help Ukrainians affected by the war with Russia. |
Club Meeting Sept 14 2022 DG Ken Miller President Margaret chaired today’s club meeting at Cilantro that coincided with the D.G. club visit from our District Governor, Ken Miller. Other guests included our Assistant Governor, Les Marton, and Peter Cummins from Beaumaris. Greg conducted the invocation, and Sergeant John M conducted the loyal toast which included a toast to our new sovereign, King Charles III. Glenda, Charles and Peter N joined the meeting via Zoom.
Rotaract in Italy![]() From the RI website here The Rotaract Club of Fiorenzuola d’Arda partnered with municipal officials and the Rotary clubs of Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Cortemaggiore Pallavicino, and Piacenza S. Antonino to challenge high school students to propose environmentally sustainable projects that city leaders could implement.
McKinnon SC Interact Sausage Sizzle![]() Some members of the club were at McKinnon Secondary College on Friday 9th September, supporting the Interact Club run the sausage sizzle stand. Thank you to Tim Moran, Julie Reid, Ron Brownlees and Peter O’Brien for your time and effort. The students the Interact club and the teacher were very appreciative of the support.
Club Meeting Sept 7 2022 ForumJohn Mason chaired this week’s club meeting at Cilantro, and called upon Paul to conduct the loyal toast and Sam to conduct the invocation. Tony, Charles, Geoff (Gledhill) and Glenda joined the meeting via Zoom. John welcomed guest Jane Baker from Riding for the Disabled. Today’s meeting was a Club Forum providing an opportunity to discuss club matters.
Vale: Melbourne Business Awards (MBA)![]() On Thursday 1st September 2022, our Rotary members were invited to attend the winding up of the Melbourne Business Awards that was held at the Woodlands Golf Course in White St, Mentone.
Lessons in fatherhood![]() From the RI website here From Erdenet, Mongolia, to Evanston, Illinois, support for dads can be life-changing By Steve Almond |
Club Meeting August 31 2022 Team SportsSpecial evening meeting with guests from Team Sports for All Tim Moran was our chairperson for this evening’s club meeting at Cilantro. Glenda and Neville joined the meeting via Zoom. Leonie Ryan, Gary Ramage and Sarah Bennett also joined in.
Curry Night Aug 28 2022Club members enjoyed a great evening of fellowship at the premises of the Kings Park Tennis Club. A great night for the club sampling dishes cooked by fellow members. Photo album can be found here
The gift of reading![]() From the RI website here The Guatemala Literacy Project is working to reverse the country’s low literacy rates and keep children in school By Diana Schoberg Photography by James Rodríguez |
Club Meeting August 24 2022 Les Marton |
RI President 2024-25![]() From the RI website here Stephanie A. Urchick is selected to be the 2024-25 president of Rotary International
Marriot Services get their Projector![]() Following the Club's recent donation, Marriot Services have received the new projector and have demonstrated it at their recent Expo The followeing note has been received from Kellie Carruthers, Customer Engagement Manager I am pleased to say the projector has arrived and we have used it for the first Expo we have attended in a few years . I have attached the good news story above for the team . However, I would like on Behalf of Marriott to invite to view the projector working its magic at the day program (Wheatley Rd)at your convenience. Please let me know when is most suitable to attend and I will arrange. Thank you to Rotary once again – this has made a large impact on our community and will continue to do so for many years, I am sure. See the story on the Expo..... |
Polio in US and EuropeFrom the RI website here Rotary statement on recent polio detections in U.S., Europe The recent detection of the vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 case in New York, USA, and isolates in several environmental samples collected in London are stark reminders that as long as polio exists anywhere, it is a threat everywhere.
Club Meeting August 17 2022 RegionalisationPresident Elect Peter Nolan was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. He also performed Invocation and Tim L performed the Loyal Toast. Tony, Julie and Glenda joined the meeting via Zoom.
Guest Speaker – PDG David Tolstrup – District Representative for Rotary Regionalisation Pilot program |
Zone 8 Regionalisation![]() Clubs within the Rotary International Zone 8 will be asked to vote on the Pilot project at the end of September, 2022 For more information please go to: Also Rotary Downunder article here Video here Zone 8 Rotary Regionalisation Pilot Project
Zone 8 Newsletter![]() Rotary on the Move is the monthly newsletter for our Zone 8.
Have a look at the August edition here and subscribe, if you are not already receiving it. |
Recognizing a woman’s worth![]() From the RI website here Programs of Scale grant-winner Together for Healthy Families in Nigeria helps families by focusing on the fundamental needs of women By Diana Schoberg Illustrations by Gwen Keraval |
Club Meeting August 10 2022 Peter HendrixChairperson this week was Ron Browless and the guest speaker was Peter Hendrix from Swimwell. International toast was provided by Grant Perry.
Peter runs an open water swim school in Melbourne's Bayside and explained to members the importance of exercise and the benefits of swimming. |
Rotary Fellowships amplify Ukrainian relief efforts![]() Taken from the RI website here By Arnold R. Grahl In the festive atmosphere of a gala dinner, Rotary members raised glasses in toasts and kindled friendships in Lviv as they welcomed a group of Ukrainians to the International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians. The next day, the Ukrainian members showed visitors former Eastern Bloc aircraft at a military base that had become a general aviation field. |
District 9810 Conference 2023 |
Club Meeting August 3 2022 Roy KaplanGrant was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Geoff conducted invocation and Jo conducted the loyal toast. Julie, Glenda, Charles and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. Roy Kaplan, our own club member, was our guest speaker for today’s meeting, and was joined by his wife, Hilary, and Michelle. |
Club Meeting July 27 2022 James Grima
Club Meeting July 20 2022 Glen Eira Historical SocLarry was our Chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Neville conducted invocation and Linda conducted the loyal toast. Tony, Peter N, Charles and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom.
Announcements – President Margaret District 9815 - President Margaret advises the Rotary year 2024-2025 will be the first year for the amalgamation of Districts 9810 and 9820, and will become 9815. The districts are calling for nominations for DG Nominee and DG Designate. Further information – contact our District D.G. Ken Miller. |
Friends of Kakarook Park Membership![]() In recent years Rotary has added a seventh arm of service to its portfolio. This being towards Environment and Sustainability. In order to acknowledge and support this, Rotary club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central has taken on organisational membership with Friends of Karkarook. |
Club Meeting July 13 2022 Pres Margaret MasonAlan Kempton was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Tim L performed the invocation, and Larry performed the loyal toast. Glenda, Julie and Jo joined the meeting via Zoom and Debbie Taylor was a visiting guest returning for a second time. International Club Toast – Grant |
Rotary responds: support for Ukraine![]() From the RI website here The Rotary Foundation and Rotary clubs around the world have hurried to provide funds, supplies, and services to Ukrainians displaced by the war. The Rotary Foundation has raised more than $15 million in contributions that are already helping provide people in Ukraine with essential items such as water, food, shelter, medicine, and clothing. Donations made to the Disaster Response Fund after 30 April will be available to all communities around the world that need assistance recovering from disasters. |
Inner Wheel Changeover July 2022Here are some photos from the Inner Wheel Changeover held at Woodlands Golf Club, Victoria, Australia. July 6th 022 Images can be found in an album here. |
Club Meeting at Marriott Services July 6 2022Today’s meeting was held in the kitchen and canteen at Marriott Support Services in Keys Road, Cheltenham and was a wonderful opportunity to re-engage with an organisation that had a very close and enduring connection with a former club member, Alan Marriott. Today was the first club meeting to herald in the new Rotary year and President Margaret’s first meeting as a returning president. Linda and Faye collaborated to provide a lovely continental breakfast of fresh fruit, croissants, toast and Danish pastries, washed down with orange juice, coffee and tea. Ian setup the Zoom meeting enabling non visiting club members to join in. Charles R joined the meeting via Zoom.
First woman takes office as president of Rotary International![]() From the RI website here. EVANSTON, Ill. (June 29, 2022) – Jennifer Jones, member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, will be the first woman to take office as Rotary International President in the service organization’s 117-year existence on 1 July 2022.
Club Meeting June 29 2022 Pres Helen NodrumThis week’s club meeting was the last for this current Rotary year, and marked Helen’s last meeting as club president with her year drawing to a close. Incoming President Elect, Peter Nolan, was our chairperson today. Neville K performed the Invocation, and Larry Green conducted the loyal toast. Glenda and Charles R joined the meeting via Zoom. Club International Toast – Grant |
RYLA 2022 |
Melodies and memories![]() The good things music does for aging brains From the RI website here. Carol Rosenstein was watching her husband, Irwin, slip away inch by inch. At one time he had been a brilliant lawyer, a lover of Broadway musicals, a world traveler. But after his diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease in 2006, he developed dementia, and slowly everything changed. His gait flattened to a shuffle. The sparkle in his eyes turned into a blank stare. His mood soured. Worsening matters, the medications he took caused hallucinations and extreme agitation. As communication grew more challenging, Carol felt the distance between them growing. |
District Changeover June 25 2022Some photos from the District 9810 Changeover held Saturday, June 25, 2022 at the Southern Golf Club. I'd like to thank Linda and Peter O'Brien, PE Margaret and John Mason and President Helen Nodrum for joining Helen and myself at this event.
Ken Miller (DGE) and his club of Emerald and District did a great job hosting the event at Southern Golf Club. I would like to remind members that it will be our responsibility to host this event next year. Photos are here. |
Club Meeting June 22 2022 Launch HousingTony Ryan was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Peter O’Brien performed the invocation and Ron Brownlees performed the loyal toast. Peter Nolan and Charles Rener joined the meeting via Zoom. Guest Speaker – Howard Ralley from Launch Housing |
Club Changeover June 18 2022The Club held its annual Changeover this year at Sanctum at the StKilda Football Club facility in Moorabbin. This event marked the changing of our Presidents. Helen Nodrum, 2021-22 to Margaret Mason (PP), 2022-23. A full album of photos can be found here. Well what a night it was – a night to celebrate the end of one Rotary year and the beginning of a new one, and it couldn’t have been better than last night’s Changeover to commemorate the changing of the guard to farewell our current President, Helen Nodrum, and welcome in our new president, Margaret Mason. A fabulous venue in the Sanctum Room at St Kilda Football Club, with excellent food, lovely table decorations and presentation, live background music from Bradley Marshall on piano, a well-run program, an entertaining and witty Master of Ceremony, wonderful speeches and all over too soon before it was time to go home and contemplate the year that was, and consider the promise of the next one yet to unfold.
Rotary and ShelterBox renew global partnership![]() From the RI website here
Houston Convention 2022![]() From the RI website here The 2022 convention in Houston, Texas, USA, offered plenty of inspiring moments as Rotary's global network gathered in person for the first time since 2019, following two conventions that were held virtually because of COVID-19. The convention offered participants new horizons to discover through in-person events and a robust schedule of virtual offerings (with recordings available through 31 August).
Melbourne Convention 2023From the RI Website here By Arnold R. Grahl Photography by Monika Lozinska After discovering new perspectives and being inspired by new ideas at the 2022 Rotary International Convention, attendees and virtual participants are looking ahead to next year's gathering in Melbourne, the sparkling second city of Australia. |
StKilda Mums cheque![]() I had the pleasure of dropping into St. Kilda Mum’s unannounced on Thursday last where I was warmly greeted and invited in. Each year donations made on a nominated day in June are tripled through the corporate sponsors of this organization, hence our $2,000.00 donation increased to $6,000.00. Ruth Holdaway CEO is seen here in this picture with yours truly. |
Meeting June 8 2022Tim L was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. After performing Acknowledgement to Country, he called upon Glenda for invocation and Larry for the loyal toast. Tim welcomed guests Anna Mouradian, our frequent club visitor, and Kelly Crothers from Marriott Support Services. Charles R and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. How lucky we are to have Zoom to keep members connected if unable to attend meetings in person. This morning’s meeting was devoted to fellowship since our guest speaker was unable to attend.
BaySpeak Final 2022 |
Indigenous Scholar Recipient 2021-22Each year our club donates to Australian Rotary Health, $5,000. This donation is directed to providing funding for indigenous students. This year’s recipient of our donation is Isobella Kruger. Isobella is currently studying medicine at Monash University and is at the fourth year level. |
Club Meeting June 1 2022 Grant Holland Neville was the chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro and performed the Acknowledgement of Country. Glenda performed the invocation and Faye performed the loyal toast. Tony, Charles and Clare O’Brien, our club RYLA recipient, joined the meeting via Zoom.
International Club Toast – Grant Perry |
Glen Eira Community Centre May 31, 2022A visit to the Glen Eira Community Centre President Helen Nodrum, Sue Loeliger, Samantha Langridge, Karin Soster and Gary, Ian Ballantine. Tracey Burt from the Community Centre A full album of pics can be found here.
A little bit of salt![]() |
Club Meeting May 25 2022 BeesVishal was our chairperson for this evening’s club meeting at Cilantro – Wednesday 25 May 2022. After welcoming everyone, Vishal performed the Acknowledgement of Country, then called upon President Helen to perform the invocation and Peter O’B to perform the Royal toast. Vishal welcomed guests- Angela Lynch, Leonie Ryan, Anna Mouradian, Helen Parker, Asia Berri, Gary Ramage, Sally from the Healey, Clare O’Brien (BMC RYLA sponsored recipient), and Faye Kirkwood, our guest speaker for this evening’s meeting. Note that a full album of photographs can be viewed here.
Ukrainian clubs help others in need in their country![]() Taken from the RI Website here By Sallyann Price Rotary members in Ukraine are helping neighbors return to their homes, distributing supplies from other countries, and organizing long-term aid — all despite being affected by the war themselves. |
John Mason and Grandson![]() Like Grandfather, like Grandson. Keeping Australia Safe!
Private J Mason from 1959 (John at Puckapunyal) and 2022(Jhett at Kapuka) More on link |
District Leaders Meeting May 20 2022On Friday, DG Daryl Moran called together all Presidents, Assistant Governors (2021-22 and 2022-23) and other members of the district Leadership to the last meeting for his year. It was very well attended and took place, in-person and on Zoom, at the Mulgrave Country Club. In attendance was DGN Ian Ballantine and Club President Helen Nodrum and Presidernt Elect, Margaret Mason. More on link
Club Meeting May 18 2022 Melb Convention 2023![]() President Helen was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro and commenced the meeting with an Acknowledgement to Country. Helen welcomed our guest speaker, PDG Tony Monley, from the R.C. of Manningham, and visitors – Anna Mouradian, and Gary - Karin’s partner. Tony Ryan joined the meeting via Zoom. Glenda Stahel conducted invocation and Tim Lynch conducted the Royal Toast. |
Club Meeting May 11 2022 Danny Frawley Centre Geoff Gartly was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. He called upon President Helen for the invocation and Marg Lucas for the royal toast. Guests, Marcus Godinho, CEO of FareShare, and Elise Facer- Childs, our guest speaker, were welcomed. Tony Ryan and Jo Impey joined the meeting via Zoom. There was a welcome return from Graham Chad, who also performed a toast to the club. We had some intermittent technical problems today, however, true to form, we got by very well. We wish to thank Tony Fitzlaff and his team for preparing breakfast this morning under some challenging circumstances having experienced a gas leakage last night and not having any gas for cooking this morning. Yet the kitchen team provided a lovely breakfast to the high standard we have come to accept as normal. |
Degustation Dinner May 10 2022A number of members and friends of Rotary attended this event at Zest Restaurant, Holmsglen, Waverley. In attendance were Peter and Linda O'Brien, Helen Nodrum, Margie Lucas, Ian Ballantine and Helen Parker, Greg O'Shea and Michael Bury. An album of pics can be viewed here.
Bayspeak displays talent in our local students![]() Bayspeak is live and underway for the second year in a row. Bayspeak brings together the most talented senior and junior secondary school students from the Bayside and surrounding area to compete in a speaking competition, with an aim to build confidence and harness leadership qualities. On Tuesday 10 May the 1st heat of the competition was held at Brighton Grammar School. |
Inner Wheel Art Auction May 7 2022Held at the Bentleigh Club on Saturday, May 7th 2022. A number of members and partners attended this great event organised by Inner Wheel An album of pics can be found at Inner Wheel Art Auction May 2022. These are at 1500 pixels. In addition, all images are available to save from Google Drive here These are available at both 1500 pixels and original resolution |
DG Training Sydney May 2022![]() Member Ian Ballantine, District Governor Nominee, attended a two day training session in Sydney with other DGN's.
It was the first time we had the opportunity to meet in person. |
St Kilds Footy to be Auctioned![]() ATTENTION St Kilda Fans - This is your chance to get your hands on a football signed by the 2022 St Kilda Football Team! To be Auctioned This Saturday at 8PM at the Bentleigh Club. Refer here for details. |
Club Meeting May 4 2022![]() Geoff Gledhill was our chairperson today at Cilantro, and called upon Greg O’Shea for invocation and Larry Green for the royal toast. Anna Mouradian, who visited our club last week, joined us again today as a club guest. Ian was absent from today’s meeting, so there was no Zoom. Club International Toast – Grant Perry |
European Rotaract clubs organize to help Ukrainian refugees![]() From th weebsite here By Ryan Hyland Within hours of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February 2022, Iryna Bushmina fled her home in Kyiv. Along with her sister and her three-month-old nephew, she journeyed to Vienna, Austria, staying with Rotary members along the way. Their generosity inspired Bushmina, a member of the Rotaract Club of Kyiv-City and the district Rotaract representative for Ukraine, to organize a larger-scale relief effort — and now, an online platform she created has helped Rotaract and Rotary members find shelter for thousands of Ukrainian refugees. |
Rotary Statement on the War against Ukraine![]() From the website here. Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation stand with the United Nations General Assembly in expressing grave concern at “the ongoing human rights and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, in particular at the reports of violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law by the Russian Federation.”
RAM No Mosquito Picnic 30-4-2022Held at Six Acres Winery, Silvan, Victoria All photos are now up and available to see and download.via the album on this site. No Mosquito RAM Picnic AlbumImages are at 1500 pixels In addition, all images are available to save from Google Drive here These are available at both 1500 pixels and original resolution |
Club Meeting April 27 2022 Alfred H and RAW |