Faye was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Karin performed Invocation and Alan performed the Loyal Toast. Glenda and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom.
Former member, Richard Wright, was also a guest at today’s club meeting. Larry introduced Brent Govan, Principal of Holmesglen Institute of TAFE, who is interested in taking up Corporate Membership. A warm welcome was conveyed to all.
GUEST SPEAKER – Fr James Grant
Fr James Grant was our guest speaker today, and provided a brief chronicle of his life and work as a priest working with underprivileged and marginalized cultural groups in Australia, UK and Europe. Work commenced as an Anglican priest in 1983, before moving to England where he worked for 6 years predominantly in a “West Indian” parish where he was the only white priest during a time of high racial tension. A posting to Berlin for 18 months followed, and work that included fortnightly visits to communist East Berlin which was behind the Berlin Wall at the time. A posting to Budapest, Hungary followed, however he left after 6 months. This was a time before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and he had to report to the police on a regular basis as a person treated with suspicion - as would anyone coming from ‘the West’. Fr Grant returned to Melbourne and became a chaplain at Geelong Grammar where he spent 6 years. He was also a chaplain at other schools and cited St Michaels, and another school on the peninsula. Fr Grant returned to a parish in Preston, where he currently works with mainly young Sudanese refugees, to motivate and help them integrate into Australian society and obtain work through a program called Mission Engage. Fr Grant described the lifestyles of these young people, noting particularly boys and young men who suffer the effects of a disadvantaged and disenfranchised lifestyle more than it seems women. The program has been operating for 10 years, and over time it has evolved and is now run more specifically for boys in groups of 5 people and more mentors rather than the original 20 or so which tended to gravitate into opposing tribal groups. Fr Grant finds the work challenging but also rewarding, and concedes there does not appear to be any real solution for how to deal with their issues, however his work continues. Fr Grant is the author of three books that were on display for members to purchase, with his most recent titled Resurgence. Revitalising Western Catholicism – An Australian Response. He transitioned from Anglican priesthood and was received into the Catholic Church and ordained a Catholic Priest in 2012. Thank you Fr Grant for your very interesting topic and presentation.
ROSTERS – The rosters for announced.
Faye reminded everyone of the High Tea fundraiser planned for Sunday 12/11 at The Healey – more details will follow.
President Ron reminded everyone of the different meeting venue for upcoming club meeting – Wed 20/9 and Wed 27/9
Wed 20/9 – will be a social evening meeting at 50 Acres, Cheltenham RSL, 289 Centre Dandenong Road, Cheltenham at 6.30pm
Wed 27/9 - will be a morning club meeting at ‘The Deck’ at 212 Bay Street, Brighton at 7am for 7:10am
President Ron closed the meeting with Create Hope in the World.