Posted by Margaret Mason on May 12, 2021
At our Club meeting this week our special guest was District 9810 Governor, Alma Reynolds.
Ian Ballantine, chair for the morning, welcomed DG Alma Reynolds and members
As the DG was present at our meeting, it is customary to propose a toast to Rotary International. DG Alma responded and reminded members that RI and Foundation are there not to tell us what to do, but to assist us in doing what we do.
The International toast presented by Grant was to President Jennifer Stentiford and the Rotary Club of Gibraltar. Grant gave a very informative history of Gibraltar.
Currently, Gibraltar”s primary revenue is derived from tourism, shipping and financial services. The Rotary Club meets on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm at The Rock Hotel. Its primary fundraising activity is a car boot sale held 6 times a year.
DG Alma will take up the membership portfolio,  in the District next Rotary year, and so tried our club members on the workshop she is in the process of developing. The session is entitled “Why do we join Rotary?”
Members identified that most people join Rotary for the following reason:
Fellowship, friendship, networking and to give back to the community and to make a difference.
Members were then asked to consider the time each one spends on RotaryRelated issues such as Fundraising, Administrative work, hands on projects and social interaction.
DG Alma encouraged all members to consider changes that would make the club more attractive to people who want to join.
Here are some photos from the morning.
I have added an album of more pics and at higher resolution in an album here.