Posted by Karin Soster
President Ron was chairperson again for today’s club meeting at Cilantro.  Tim Lynch performed Invocation and Julie Reid performed the loyal toast.    Our guest speaker today was Grant Holland from the Holland Foundation, and Barry Oliver and Nicholas Bowman were club guests.
BMC BUDGETS for 2023 – 2024 were announced to club members
2023 – 2024 Budgets
The following budgets financed through the Market Account:
Foundation                                           $10,000
Aust Rotary Health Fund                  $5,000
Community Committee                    $40,000
Youth & Vocation Committee        $20,000
International Committee                 $25,000
D.G. Partner Project 2023-2024     $2,000 – for Polio Plus
The following budgets financed through the Operating Account:
Membership, Marketing and Public Relations           $2,000
Social Functions                                                                  $2,000
Club Website - President Ron thanked D.G. Ian for his assistance with restoring the club website that went down on 30 June.
D.G. Banner - President Ron erected the district banner – Home of the District Governor  -  for none other than ‘our own’ D.G. Ian Ballantine
GENERAL MEETING – Wednesday 12 July 2023
General Meeting opened: 7:10am    
Chairman: President Ron Brownlees
Purpose - Special resolutions for voting by members on amendments to Club Constitution & Rules and By-laws 2023
As required by the Rules of Incorporated Associations to provide 21 days’ notice, members were advised of the general meeting on Wednesday 21 June 2023, and reminded again on Sunday 9 July 2023.
Motion – for Club Constitution
That the club membership adopt the amended Rotary Club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central Constitution and Rules as presented and circulated to members on Wednesday 21 June 2023, and again on Sunday 9 July 2023.
Moved: Karin Soster                        Seconded:           Ian Ballantine     Carried  12th July 2023
Motion – for Club By-Laws
That the club membership adopt the amended Rotary Club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central  By-Laws 2023 as presented and circulated to members on Wednesday 21 June 2023, and again on Sunday 9 July 2023.
Moved: Larry Green                         Seconded:           Karin Soster     Carried   12th July 2023
President Ron Brownlees thanked John Mason for preparing the Club Constitution and Club By-Laws.
General Meeting Closed:               7:15am
GUEST SPEAKER – Grant Holland – Holland Foundation
Grant is the Executive Director of the Holland Foundation that continues the charitable work of his grandparents Sir George and Lady May Holland.   Grant is a proud grandson, and proud of his family history.   He provided a little background of the Holland Foundation before going on to talk about his grandfather, Sir George Holland, and the ‘stroke of luck’ that has granted him with his life.
The Holland Foundation is a not for profit charitable organisation with a mission to support and empower disadvantaged children, youth, adults and families with the provision of – Pre-employment training for unemployed and disadvantaged in a real world retail/office environment through the operations of its Op-shop and administrative office in Bentleigh.  In the past 10 years the foundation has provided $1.6 Million in goods and services and provided employment for 860 employees.  Donations have been to local schools, sports clubs and the community.
Sir George Holland was born and grew up in the Bendigo region, before enlisting in 1914 during WW1 to serve his country at the age of 17.  On his return he recognised the need to provide assistance to war veterans and their families through employment. His wife, Lady May Holland worked quietly in the background working with war widows, wives and children of ex-serviceman.   Grant provided a detailed account of his grandfather, his time at war and his achievements since – a very interesting and heart felt story – a summarized report would not do justice.  Details of Grant’s talk can be found here
Impact for Women - Sam thanked everyone who provided goods for Impact for Women
Club Fellowship – Sam reminded everyone of the evening at RSL Cheltenham on Thursday 27/7.  Please confirm with Sam if planning to attend
Club Evening Meeting – Wednesday 9/8 will be an evening meeting at Cilantro – Kellie Carruthers will be our guest as ‘Person behind the Badge’.
The club meeting roster for next week was announced.
Peter O’B will contact members rostered for market duty