Larry Green chaired today’s club meeting at Cilantro. Julie Reid performed invocation and Neville Kruss performed the Loyal Toast. Glenda Stahel and Charles Rener joined the meeting via zoom. Guests included D9810 A.G. Les Marton, Marilyn Brownlees, Gary Ramage and Barry Oliver. Today’s breakfast was a buffet breakfast prepared by Cordon Bleu students – a lovely selection enjoyed by all.
- Satisfaction survey forms were distributed to club members for completion and return and provide an opportunity for club members to provide feedback on various aspects of our club.
- Our club has advised the lawyers at Prior Law to prepare the necessary paperwork for sale of the house at 7 Bluegrass Walk in Frankston
- President Ron asked everyone to note a minute silence during the day to commemorate today being 25 years since the sad and unlawful passing of Sergeant Gary Silk and Senior Constable Rodney Miller whilst serving the public in the course of duty.
GUEST SPEAKER – D9810 District Governor Ian Ballantine
Our guest speaker today was none other than our District Governor and club member, Ian Ballantine, who came to perform one of his many duties, which is to visit each club in the district, and today was our club’s day.
Ian outlined his focus for this year, listing the following:
Membership - is key for the continuation of Rotary into the future, and is a main focus for our district. Membership continues to be an issue particularly in the US, UK, and our zone in the pacific region of Australia/New Zealand. Yet, Rotary is booming in Asia. Districts 9810 and 9820 will merge at the end of this Rotary year and will become District 9815 with an anticipated 2000 members in total. Ian is aware of 3 other districts within our zone that will merge. Whilst statistics show more people are volunteering, this is not in more formal settings such as Rotary. Club members are encouraged to promote the work of Rotary as a way of spreading the word of Rotary and generating interest. Hands on projects are ways of promoting Rotary and be seen within the community in addition to providing personal satisfaction. Our club’s Bentleigh Market is both a project and fundraiser and provides good opportunities to promote the works of Rotary.
The Rotary Foundation – is a major cornerstone for continuing the good work of Rotary around the world. All clubs are encouraged to donate USD $100 per member to the Rotary Foundation. BMC ranks highly within the district and donates more than this amount annually. Rotary members can also make personal donations with AUD $100 being recognised for membership as a Rotary Centurion.
Mental Health – is a major focus for the International Rotary President – Gordon McNally, who related the sad story of his brother who passed away, and has asked districts and clubs to take on projects to address mental health. In recognition of this request, Ian has announced mental health under the banner, Mind Matters, is the theme for next year’s district conference in March in Warrnambool.
Youth Programs – Rotary has a wide range of youth programs in which Ian encourages clubs to participate, including Rotaract as a means for young people to continue their involvement with volunteering and Rotary.
D.G. Partner Project – is End Polio Now - a project that commenced in the mid 1980’s when there were thousands of people afflicted with polio across the globe mainly in 3rd world countries. To date there are now officially 6 live cases in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Gates Foundation is donating $2 for every $1 donated for the eradication of polio.
District Conference 2023-2024 – will be held 22 – 24 March 2024, with the theme Mind Matters. Registrations have opened and are progressing. Linda O’Brien and Karin Soster are looking after onto conference, and whilst registrations are made via the district website, Linda and Karin have arranged accommodation at Comfort Inn Western in Warrnambool at very competitive rates, and which is within walking distance to the conference venue at the Lighthouse Theatre. Please follow up with Linda or Karin to take up one of the rooms.
Club Operations – clubs are encouraged to keep their meetings interesting with good guest speakers and varied topics. Fellowship is important as are hands on projects. Match members to projects of interest. Ian encourages clubs to establish partnerships with other organisations for expanding the reach of Rotary. Club members are encouraged to increase their knowledge of Rotary and look beyond the boundaries of their club with information and training readily available on the Rotary International and District websites – and keep an eye on the District Newsletter for opportunities to reach beyond the club.
In finishing, Ian asked everyone to spread the word of Rotary.
Helen Parker was thrilled to be presented with a club donation cheque for $2,000 for her partner project End Polio Now. Helen explained she was surprised to learn at the District Governor Assembly in the States, that Australia is the only country to have a District Governor partner project. Hopefully, her enthusiasm for the project may inspire districts in other countries to follow suit.
- AGM in November – President Ron is pulling together and will announce the names of the nominating committee for the updating Annual General Meeting in November.
- Birthdays – Happy Birthday to Linda O’Brien who had a birthday last week
- Rosters – for next weeks club meeting and the market were announced
- Fellowship – Sam announced Mahjong will resume at The Healey for the time being - with the next Mahjong evening on Thursday 7th September at 7pm
- Market Roster – Peter O’Brien will issue the market roster next week taking the roster through to the end of the year. Members are invited to let Peter know if there are weeks they will not be available.
- Guest Speaker at next week’s club meeting – Julie Reid announced Rebecca McKenzie, CEO of Glen Eira Council, will be our guest speaker at next week’s club meeting – Wed 23rd August.
- Membership – Chair Larry Green advised the Membership Committee will meet tomorrow night – Thursday 17/8.
MEETING CLOSED – with President Ron inviting everyone to Create Hope in the World.