oday’s morning meeting at Cilantro was a club forum, with President Ron providing an update for the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot Program, and garnering thoughts and ideas from club members for the club moving forward.
It was a welcome return for club member John accompanied by daughter Bronwyn, and Greg who was able to get away from his busy new life in Geelong. Charles joined the meeting via Zoom.
High Tea at the Healey – Sunday 12 November. Ron is seeking assistance from one extra person to help set up the room on Saturday 11/11 for an hour 10am – 11am.
Big Serve Tennis at Beaumaris – Sunday 29 October - Attendance numbers were a bit low and possibly needed more marketing.
Council Leaders Election Results – Prior to the election, candidates for the various leader positions were announced and available for club members to view online – club presidents were invited to submit their club’s response online in October. President Ron announced the Council Election Results for the leaders for the Rotary Regionalisation pilot program – details of which can be viewed online on the Pilot Program website - refer this link: Creating tomorrow | Rotary (www.creatingtomorrowrotary.org). The elected leaders will help guide Zone 8 through the pilot program for adopting new guidelines and processes for Rotary moving forward.
Rotary Community Group Club Response – President Ron announced our club response submitted to the Pilot Program committee in October following a questionnaire that was issued to club members for their response. Apart from basic information such as club name, member size etc., the following responses were recorded based on member feedback.
Our club is a traditional club that meets in person. Many of the questions offered multiple choices from which to choose with a request the top 3 responses for each question should be submitted, and based on this requirement, the following responses were submitted. Our club passions are: Education, Youth Programs, and for International – Fiji and SE Asia. Our club strengths are: Weekly Sunday Market for fundraising, we support Local and International groups/organisations, and our club membership is Diverse. Challenges for our club are: Attracting New Members, Members reluctant to change, and Lack of a Major Project (other than the Sunday Market). Regarding a question as to what could be achieved with increased support and collaboration – our response was fund raising outside our market could lead to bigger and more diverse projects. Our club preference for Primary Club Groups is: To group with clubs within our geographic area, within a short distance and having similar aims as our club; and for clubs within the community group to meet in person annually with online meetings in between. We did not provide any response for preferences for a Secondary Group which covers interest topics for clubs to discuss online.
D.G. Ian advised the composition of clubs making up the Rotary Community Groups is scheduled to be finalised and announced prior to Christmas. The next step in the Pilot Program will be to call for candidates for Community Group Leader positions that is scheduled to happen early next year to be followed with an election process for clubs to nominate their preferred leader – with the process to be finalised in time for the Pilot Program to commence 1 July 2024. A new era for Rotary in Zone 8 awaits!
BMC CLUB SURVEY – Club Satisfaction
President Ron advises 20 members have responded, and provided the following results:
Club Meeting Venue – members prefer to continue with meetings at Cilantro
Invocation– 14 Yes to retain invocation – 5 said drop
Loyal Toast– some members suggested to drop – however a club vote will be held whether to modify it and retain a toast to Rotary and Australia
International Club Toast – 11 suggested retain– and held once a month
Sergeants Fine Session – varying responses and may be reviewed. Ron mentions $300 - $400 is raised annually through the Sergeant’s fine session and donated to the charity/organisation of the Sergeant’s choice. Other clubs raise funds through different activities – such as raffles, head/tail activity etc. A topic for further discussion.
Morning /evening meetings - Whether to be a breakfast or evening meeting club? Will be raised for club members to vote.
Meeting frequency – Weekly or fortnightly? Will be raised for club members to vote.
Program – members are generally happy with the current program. Glenda advises fellowship club meetings will be held once a month. Members are not looking for more Rotary information from District, but would prefer to hear more from our own club members.
Fellowship Activities – 13 are satisfied with current activities – 5 would prefer more. Cost preference to not exceed $50.
Rotary Information – Some members would prefer more – with others advising enough is provided and available.
New Members – have indicated they are happy with Rotary.
President Ron will list topics for further discussion and vote and will raise at next week’s club meeting – 15/11. Club members will be advised beforehand by email which topics will be raised for members to discuss and cast a vote.
D.G. IAN – Observations
Ian has completed all the district club visits and mentions all clubs are different. An observation amongst clubs is fundraising is held to support a particular project and generally within the local community which generates local community interest. The query is how could BMC do this, since our market raises funds for a wide range of projects. One suggestion was to promote a particular project at the market (possibly on a monthly basis) with signage indicating funds for the day are to support the nominated project. A topic for further discussion.
Club End of Year Event – Sam advises this year’s end of year celebration will be held on Sunday 12 December at the Dendy Park Café in Brighton. It will be fully catered for at $40 per person, with drinks for purchase from the bar. A flyer will come out next week.
Rosters – were announced. However, the market bag will need to be located.
Board Meeting – Neville announced the next board meeting will be on Monday 13/11.
President Ron closed the meeting – advising topics for change will be raised at next week’s for club members to cast their vote.