Helen N chaired today’s morning meeting at Cilantro where we had a full room of club members and guests for the presentation by Anton Hockey of RYDA – Rotary Youth Driver Awareness program. Guests included Rebecca Bullock – RYDA coordinator, Peter Allen – Asst Principal Cheltenham S C, Brent Govan – CEO Vocational Dept – Holmesglen Tafe, Bob Williams – R.C. Nunawading, and Trish Smyth and Vivienne Zuppolate – R.C. Beaumaris. Karin perform invocation and Larry performed the loyal toast. Tim M and Charles joined the meeting via zoom.
- Big Serve in Beaumaris – is on this coming Sunday 29/10
- High Tea at the Healey – Ron is seeking 4 volunteers to assist with setting up on Sat 11/11 for the High Tea event on Sunday 12/11
- Club meeting on Wednesday 1/11 – a reminder to club members, this meeting is an evening club meeting. Numbers are required for catering.
- Rotary Pilot Program – Ron has received 3 survey responses for the Rotary Community Groups and will collate these for responding to the pilot program team.
- Mayor of Kingston – Playground refurbishment project – by chance and good fortune to hear of the R.C. Nunawading project for repurposing playground equipment, Ron has arranged a connection between the Mayor and the R.C. Nunawading.
- BMC AGM Wednesday 22/11 – A reminder to club members to forward board nominations for next year’s Rotary year 2024-2025 to the nominating committee – Linda, Larry and Karin.
The following two motions were approved at the October board meeting and were put forward to club members for approval.
- Motion – that the club approve a donation of $5,000 for the Blue Ribbon Foundation for their PTSD Dog Assistance program
Moved: Tim Lynch Seconded: Margaret Lucas Motion was carried - Motion - that the club approve a donation of $5,000 for Interplast
Moved: Faye Weeks Seconded: Alan Kempton Motion was carried
- R.C. Oakleigh, Clayton and Huntingdale is sponsoring a free community breakfast at South Oakleigh Bowling Club on Saturday 28/10 at 8am – as part of Community Safety Month. Keynote speakers will focus on Home Safety and Security.
- Warrnambool District Conference - Fri 22/3 – Sunday 24/3: a reminder that 15 rooms for accommodation have been booked in our club’s name at Comfort Inn, Warrnambool for next year’s district conference. Karin S is coordinating bookings - please let Karin know if planning to attend and wishing to take up one of the rooms (a number of rooms are already booked, with 6 rooms still available).
- High Tea at the Healey – Sunday 12/11 2pm-4pm: Faye reminded club members of the high tea event and to book on Try Booking by Wed 1/11 if planning to attend. A lot of hard work has gone on in the background arranging the afternoon tea and collating items for auction etc. Proceeds will be donated to the Highland Foundation for mother/baby packs in the remote mountain villages in Papua New Guinea. Faye and the team are hoping for a good turnout.
GUEST SPEAKER – Anton Hockey – RYDA – Rotary Youth Driver Awareness
Anton is a program coordinator for RYDA – a not for profit organisation that provides road safety awareness workshops predominantly for schools and students in Years 10-12 before they obtain their driver’s licence. RYDA commenced in 2001 in Sydney, NSW by Rotary following a horrific motor vehicle accident resulting in fatalities. The program has been adopted Australia wide and in New Zealand – and receives funding in varying capacities from Rotary, state governments, corporate partners, and other organisations. Young people represent 10% of the population, however are involved in 22% of road fatalities, and 30 times more likely to be injured following a road accident with many experiencing lifelong issues as a result. Young drivers represent 38% of drivers who have lost their licence through demerit points. Since the program’s commencement 750,000 students have attended RYDA workshops. In 2023, so far the program has operated in 582 schools, with 48,564 students attending 417 workshops. Schools and teachers receive program training to present to students in 6 x 30 minute sessions over a day or couple of days. The program is reviewed regularly with feedback from schools and teachers presenting the workshops, and participating students. Rotary run the program in S.A., Tasmania and Qld, and RYDA runs the program in the other states and NZ. Of all the states, schools in Tasmania receive the most government funding for the program – and statistics in Tasmania show the value of the program with reduced road trauma compared to previous years. Thank you Anton for your very informative presentation.
- The club meeting and market rosters were announced.
NEXT WEEKS MEETING – evening meeting at Cilantro.
- Scott Weeks – Faye’s son, will be our guest speaker next week to talk about financial consulting. With numbers restricted in Cilantro – Ron invited members to let him know if planning to attend.