Our club was happy to accept an invitation from Glen Eira Police to assist in their “Safe Plate Day” held on Saturday last 20th November at the Glen Eira Town Hall carpark area.
We partnered with other community groups, State Emergency Service (SES), fire brigade, and neighborhood watch, not to mention our local law officers. The SES truck, a fire brigade truck, and the very impressive police pursuit vehicles were there on the day – a definite drawcard for the families and children to see over these impressive vehicles. Last but not least thankfully “the coffee cart”.
Rotary members in attendance were fitting anti-theft number plate screws and engraving bikes and tools to reduce the risk of theft. There was a steady stream of cars pulling in to take advantage of this free police initiative and our member's teamwork meant virtually no waiting time for the service.
Thanks go to Terry Kane, Linda O’Brien, Peter O’Brien, Margaret Mason, Grant Perry, Ron Brownlees, Alan Kempton, Karin Soster and Gary Ramage and Helen Nodrum along for assisting on the day.