- Today’s club meeting heralded President Ron Brownlees first club meeting as President for this current Rotary year – held at The Deck in Bay Street Brighton. With our club website down and not knowing who was rostered, President Ron was also Chairperson for today’s meeting. Serge returned as a guest, and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom.
- President Ron presented D.G. Ian with a PHF lapel ruby pin and a Centurion Certificate in recognition of donations made by Ian to The Rotary Foundation.
- D.G. Ian acknowledged Linda O’Brien for her wonderful work behind the scenes managing the table placements and decorating the room for the District changeover night on Saturday 1/7, and Greg O’Shea for his wonderful efforts as Emcee for the evening – adding it was a great night.
- President Ron presented Dr Helen Parker, our newest club member, with her Club member badge.
Today’s meeting was Fellowship and provided an opportunity for President Ron and committee chairs to provide a brief outline of activities for the year ahead.
- President Ron provided a brief outline this year’s activities – with a focus on membership. Our club’s goals have been recorded on the Rotary International database.
- Budgets will be discussed at next week’s board meeting.
- Faye for International Committee mentions she has some new committee members, and briefly outlined her program for the year which will include continuing our club’s relationship with Terry Kane’s program – Share a Dream and humanitarian work in the Philippines; Interplast; and she has plans to follow up with a club in NZ that “has programs, but ‘no money’.
- Tim Lynch for Community Committee acknowledged the good work by former chair, Linda O’Brien, and plans to support previous projects such as Calvary Care, Marriott Support Services, RDA, including seeking out other opportunities to support our local community.
- CLUB SOCIAL NIGHT- SAM reminded club members of the social night planned for Thursday 27/7 at Cheltenham RSL – 6.45pm.
- RYLA – BMC Club sponsored participant Henrietta Foley will attend our club meeting on Wednesday 26 July to talk about her experience attending RYLA week.
- BAYSPEAK COMPETITION - PP Glenda referenced the recent Bayspeak public speaking competition appeared in a recent local community paper in the bayside area.
- CLUB CONSITUTION & BY-LAWS - The recently revised BMC Club Constitution and By-Laws will be presented at the next club meeting on Wednesday 12 July for club members to pass a special resolution to accept the revised documents.
- BMC BOARD MEETNG – The next club board meeting will be held on Monday 10 July in the meeting room above Cilantro.
CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION – Awards Committee Chair – Peter O’Brien, and Past President Glenda Stahel
- On behalf of the club Awards Committee, chair Peter O’Brien announced and Glenda presented Certificates of Appreciation to the following club members in recognition of their club service and maintaining the ideals of Rotary: Marg Lucas, Faye Weeks, Paul Ferguson, John Mason, Geoff Gartly, President Ron Brownlees, Grant Perry, Jo Impey, Sam Langridge and Neville Kruss. Secretary Neville presented Karin Soster with a Certificate of Appreciation for being acting Secretary whilst he recuperates following his recent surgery.