Grant Perry was our Chairperson for this morning’s meeting at Cilantro. Jo Impey performed the invocation and Roy Kaplan performed the loyal toast. Charles Rener, Larry Green and Claire O’Brien (RYLA participant) joined via Zoom, with Larry zooming in from a hospital bed at Sandringham Hospital. This morning’s meeting celebrated youth and young adults who have benefited from participating in various programs supported by Rotary and our club. Guests included Matthew Gibney (Rotaract Club of Whitehorse) and Lucy Shao (Rotaract Club of Monash), Monique Andejelic and Tilde Verhoeven (NYSF participants) and parents, Lloyd Thomas-Morgan and Kai Farrugia (students from Holmesglen Vocational College) and Eva Filinis (Counsellor for Holmesglen Vocational College).
Matthew Gibney and Lucy Shao – Members of Rotaract
Our club sponsored Matthew and Lucy to attend this year’s conference in Canberra. Rotaract was highlighted during the conference with a special segment that provided conference attendees an insight on what Rotaract means to members of Rotaract. Matthew and Lucy thanked our club for sponsoring their attendance and shared their thoughts on the conference.
Matthew Gibney – has been a member of the Rotaract Club of Whitehorse for 8 years. Canberra was his first conference and enjoyed meeting up with other members of Rotaract. The conference was inspirational and provided an insight to what can be achieved – and broadened his outlook for ideas for the future. He was very appreciative and thanked our club for sponsoring his attendance. He first commenced studying for his Masters in sustainability at Monash University before moving to studying International Aid, and a Masters in the Health Industry and Radiotherapy. Frida Umohoza was his favourite guest speaker at the conference, and marveled at her resilience in dealing with her personal journey following the civil war in Rwanda.
Lucy Shao – joined the Rotaract Club of Monash after participating in RYLA in 2017. Canberra was her second conference attendance, and enjoyed the conference experience. Lucy found the speakers at this year’s conference amazing and was impressed the speakers were so open revealing their personal experiences. She was particularly impressed by Grant Godino, President of Gateway Rotaract, and President of LGBT Fellowship, and also Frida Umohoza who spoke of her experiences in Rwanda. Lucy thanked our club for sponsoring her conference attendance which provided an opportunity to reconnect with other Rotaracters following Covid – adding Rotaract is an excellent platform for building self-confidence. She graduated in Education at Monash, and now works in HR at Monash University specializing in Diversity Support Services.
Monique Andejelic and Tilde Verhoeven – BMC club sponsored NYSF participants
Following their NYSF (National Youth Science Forum) experience and having completed Year 12 last year – Monique and Tilde provided an update on their current activities. Monique is studying for a Bachelor of Medical Science at Monash University. Tilde Verhoeven is studying for a Bachelor of Bio Medicine at Melbourne University.
Claire O’Brien – BMC sponsored RYLA participant
Claire is working in the Department of Health, and having heard the address from Matthew Gibney and Lucy Shao – she may strongly consider joining Rotaract which is designed for people aged 18 – 35 and works closely with Rotary and shares the same ideals of Service above Self.
Lloyd Thomas-Morgan and Kai Farruga – BMC club sponsored scholarship students at Holmesglen Vocational College
Lloyd and Kai thanked the club for providing scholarships that enables them to continue their education at Holmesglen. Both students are completing their senior year – Lloyd is studying carpentry and Kai is studying IT in VCAL specializing in IT Games.
- Social Night – ARCO Bar – Monday 3 April at 6.30pm. Members to advise Sam if wishing to attend.
- Evening Club Meeting – Wednesday 17 May 6.30-9.00pm. Guest speaker is Wadzanai Nenzou from Zimbabwe. Jo advises the meeting may move to the Lecture Theatre at Holmesglen – TBC.
- Marriott Support Services Ball – Thursday 25 May. Cost is $100 per person - Jo is collecting names of people wishing to attend
- Tree Planting Day – Sunday 2 April – Wattle Grove, McKinnon. Helen advises plans are to plant 2000 plants from 10.00am – 12.00pm, and referred members to the notice in the current bulletin.
- Rosters – for market duty on Sunday 2 April and next week’s club meeting were announced
- President Glenda thanked all the visitors for attending today’s club meeting.
- She announced today was Tim Moran’s 50th birthday.
- Next week’s guest speaker is David Langridge who will talk about Australian motor racing in 1950s and 1960s.
- Calvary Care meeting on Wednesday 12 April – a reminder numbers attending are needed by next week.