Posted by Linda O'Brien on Jul 31, 2021
A letter received from Kris Webb at Spenditwell
Dear Linda,
I hope you’re well.
It was back in 2019 that RC Bentleigh Moorabbin provided the funds for the shipping, transport and re-installation at Railuli School of the huge playground from Melton West Primary School.
The process was challenging with missing pieces which had to be sent in a second container, a very complicated design, wet seasons and Covid, but the good news is that the Railuli playground has now finally been installed.  The playground was so large that we were able to keep enough for a separate playground at Faluwai School (the installation of which was funded by Ricardo and Suzanne).  This will be installed shortly.  
I’ve attached photos below.  The last work is being carried out now and we’ll send you photos of children on the finished product as soon as we receive them. 

Many thanks for your help with this. I’m sad that Ricardo wasn’t here to see the finished product, but very pleased to be able to finish something he was so passionate about.

Kind regards