The Bentleigh Market is open.
Please come and check it out

The Club holds its meetings on line via Zoom or in person at a venue each week. Please check Events listing for details.
District Governor Colin Byron has released his January, 2025 edition of 9815 Connections.
Click on image at left for YouTube video.
Key Updates:
✅ Rotary Events & Activities – Clubs started the year strong with family picnics, BBQs, and annual art shows from Sorrento, Leongatha, and Mornington (celebrating its 53rd year!). 🎨
✅ Australia Day Celebrations – Many clubs are hosting events to reflect, respect, and celebrate our communities.
✅ District Conference (March 2025) – Over 400 registrations and 52 clubs confirmed! Our theme: "We Belong Because We Are Better Together" 🤝
✅ Special Guest – Welcoming Rotarian Dr. Bharat Pandya from Mumbai, India, Rotary Foundation Trustee & past RI Director! 🎤
✅ Membership Growth – 27 new members joined by December, making us the 2nd highest-growing district in the zone! 👏
📅 Upcoming Events:
📌 New Club Seminar – Mid-February
📌 PELDS Training – March in San Remo
Congratulationsto one of our newer members, Jim Magee who received a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) as part of the Australia Day honours list.
The official citation reads: Mr Jim MAGEE Bentleigh East VIC 3165 For service to local government, and to the community of Glen Eira.
The following is taken from the Glen Eira City Council website. (link)

Former councillor Jim Magee awarded OAM

Council congratulates former Tucker Ward Councillor Jim Magee, who received a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) as part of the Australia Day honours list. The OAM has been awarded to recognise ex-Cr Magee’s service to local government.

Jim was a long-serving councillor who was a four-term representative of Glen Eira’s southern suburbs which he affectionately referred to as the ‘Paris end’ of Glen Eira. During this time, he was a fierce advocate for sustainable planning, all abilities access and protecting services for the most vulnerable, along with increasing open space and sporting infrastructure. During his time in office, Council invested significantly in these key priorities.

As Mayor, Jim also advocated strongly for the role and financial sustainability of local government. Recognising local government’s unique role in promoting connections to place and quality of life, he worked closely with colleagues across the sector to call for reform which led to inquiries from the Victorian Legislative Council and Auditor-General.

Jim’s term on Council concluded in October 2024 and since that time he has remained a staunch support of local government and regularly appears in sector media to discuss current events.

Jim joins the late councillor Dr David Zyngier AM, former councillor Jamie Hyams OAM and and current Councillor Sam Parasol OAM as other recent recipients of Order of Australia honours.

Chair today was Margy Lucas. Today's meeting was intended to be an opportunity to brief the members on plans for the second half of the Rotary year.
We heard reports from Youth Chair Julie Reid, with Helen Nodrum and Co Market Chair Grant Perry.
We were joined this morning by Rotarian and Co President, Carole Harris from the Rotary Club of Saint Marylebone. She was accompanied by her friend (and former colleague from Army days of member Margy Lucas), Alan Brimelow. Carole visited our Club a couple of years ago. Carole gave a description of her Club in London and exchanged banners with President Tim.
Two other momentous events this morning....
President Tim had the honour of inducting our newest member Bert d'Unienville. Bert was introduced to the Club by member Neville Kruss and has a mangaement background in the paint manufacturing sector.
Secondly, member Ian Ballantine had the privilege of awarding a second Paul Harris Fellow to Glenda Stahel. Glenda served as "emergency" President during the year 2022-23 and was also recognised for her contribution to the running of the registration desk at the D9810 Conference last year. Glenda is a continuing contributor to the successful operation of our Club and it was a pleasure to make the presentation.
Please click on Read More to see plenty of pics from this morning's meeting along more words on Committee activities. All photos from today's meeting are also available at full resolution here.
We had a total of 26 members and guests register for our first meeting for 2025. The venue was Aila Cafe in Highett.
Amongst attendees were members John and Dee Mason, proudly showing off John's new set of "wheels".
The atmosphere was great with everyone enjoying the opportunity of catching up after our "holiday" break.
Member Larry Green conducted a quiz which was a lot of fun, if not a little chaotic! Well done Larry.
We had three guests attend, Bert d'Unienville, Jules Gaddie and Margaret Toyas.
Please click on Read More for pics,
Rotary International is an international service organisation whose stated human rights purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world.
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Club Bulletin
Weekly Bulletin
Feb 10, 2025
Subscribe to our eBulletin and stay up to date on the latest news and events.

Past District 9810 Governor Ian Ballantine
Click here
Donate to End Polio
District Governor's partner, Dr Helen Parker has chosen End Polio Now as her partner's project.
Contributions are tax deductible and for Rotarians, will accrue against your personal Foundation giving and that of your Club.
Can we be of Help?
Perhaps we can help you.
Find out ways we can help you or your organisation.
Our Club's major fundraising project is the Bentleigh Sunday Market.
Founded in 1977, it has so far raised over $2m which has been spent in the local community and on humanitarian projects overseas.
We support...
Riding for the Disabled
Marriott House Supporter
Holland Foundation
Angel Flight
Glen Eira Council Info. Office
Rural Aid Australia
Salvation Army
Family Life
Beachside Gift
Marriot Support Services
Moorabbin Toy Library
Glen Eira SES
Calvary Care
Bikes for Rochester
Sandringham Hospital
Shelterbags fro Homeless
The Soup Angel
Upcoming Events