Larry Green was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Paul Ferguson performed invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia. Helen Parker, Charles Rener and Karin Soster joined the meeting via zoom.
Guests included Peter from the R.C of Beaumaris and Margaret, and our guest speakers Chris and Tania from the Moorabbin Proactive Policing Unit.
Plus we had a very important new member induction.........................
CLUB INDUCTION - President Ron had the very pleasant duty of inducting Dee Mason to our club whose classification will be Media Service and Communication. Dee mentions she has had a long association with Rotary through her father, John Mason, and it would only be a matter of time before she might eventually join. We are so pleased she has made this decision and joined our club. We look forward to Dee's participation in club activities.
GUEST SPEAKERS - Chris and Tania - Proactive Policing Unit, Moorabbin
Chris and Tania updated our club with current activities undertaken by the Proactive Policing Unit in Moorabbin - with whom our club has had a long and ongoing relationship. The unit is small with 8 members who are very busy focusing on community and youth engagement and educating the public. A main activity is working with problem youths who are disengaged from school, and society, and their families, with the policing unit using varying approaches to get them back on track. The current topic covered home invasion and burglaries. Currently 99% of home invasions are by young people aiming to get car keys and driving away with the car. Access to the home is usually via a back door or side entrance with many burglaries occurring when the owners are home but are not aware their home has been invaded until they notice the car has gone. These home invasions are often non-violent carried out by young people intending to take the car for a joy ride - with many cars dumped and eventually recovered. Many intruders work in gangs, do not live within the area they are targeting, and use social media to connect and network with others with similar intent. It is recommended to leave cars in a locked garage, and lock up the house. It is actually better to leave your car keys in the open within your home for easy access to avoid confrontation with the intruders. Other tips include not parking in the street if possible, or park in well-lit areas; and air tags in your car are better for tracking, as GPS units are often deactivated by the intruders. Working with these young offenders is complex with no easy solutions. Many come from poor social economic backgrounds, live in single parent family units, experience substance abuse and domestic violence, lack role models, and are disengaged. Many engage in opportunistic crime looking for easy targets - currently gymnasiums are soft targets, with lockers easily broken into and valuables and car keys taken.
When asked how could Rotary be involved - we heard the policing unit is currently running a program called The Break for local disengaged youths, that is led by a former offender who has a lived experience and relates well with the youths. The program is activity-based with a focus on role modelling. However, the program needs funding for its activities. Chris and Tania encourage clubs and community groups to be more involved with such programs to help break the mould and provide a way forward. Thank you Chris and Tania for your very informative talk.
The house in Frankston will be auctioned on Saturday 9 June - a few board members will be in attendance.
RYDA program Monday 19/8 at Sandown Racecourse for Cheltenham Secondary College - Ron is seeking volunteers to assist with shepherding participants on the day.
Treasurer - Sue Loeliger has resigned from the board as Treasurer. Neville Kruss will take on the role of Treasurer from July 2024, thus leaving a vacancy for the role of club Secretary.
MEETING CLOSE - President Ron closed the meeting with this Rotary theme 'Create Hope in the World'