Posted by Karin Soster on Nov 13, 2024
Larry Green was chairperson for today's meeting that was a club forum and provided opportunities for club committees to update our members on activities in their respective committee.  
President Tim Lynch had the very enjoyable task of inducting our newest club member - Fr James Grant.   Welcome Fr James.  
John Mason read the very moving poem In Flanders Fields by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae commemorating the efforts and sacrifices made by all those who fought to defend their country during WW1.  
Community committee - Ron Brownlees
The committee has donated funds to SES, and approved a donation to Riding for the Disabled to purchase a horse, and a donation to the Monash Foundation to purchase equipment for the Cancer Unit at Moorabbin Hospital. Consideration was given to a project for the Salvation Army that proved to be too big for the club, then onforwarded to District for consideration which also rejected the project.  A scaled down version of the project has been submitted to the newly formed Rorary Community Group and is pending a response.   
Other projects under consideration include donations for replacing playground equipment in a local school, funds for the Holmesglen Food Bank, Holland Foundation, and Rotary Christmas Cakes for distribution through local charitable organisations.  
In accordance with our club standing orders that require donations for $5,000 or more are to be presented to club members for approval, the following two motions were presented by Ron. 
MOTION 1: That the club approve a donation of $15,000 to Moorabbin Hospital Campus of Monash Medical Centre for the provision of 2 x recliner chairs used for the treatments of patients undergoing chemotherapy or dialysis, and 1 x electric wheelchair as per their written submission.  Moved: Ron Brownlees.   Seconded: Sue Loeliger.  Motion carried.
 MOTION 2: That the club approve a donation of $5,000 to Riding for the Disabled Moorabbin towards the purchase of a horse and request that once a suitable horse has been purchased, the club be advised.  Moved: Ron Brownlees.  Seconded: Jo Impey.  Motion carried.
International committee - Linda O'Brien
The committee has donated funds for ROMAC $2,000, Shelterbox $3,000, Wheelchairs for Kids $2,000, R.C. SavuSavu Clean Burn Project $1,500.  
Under consideration are donations for R.C. South Davao, Philippines for a medical project, R.C. SavuSavu for a water sanitisation project, Interplast, Disaster Aid, RAMS, School books and equipment and building a classroom in Fiji?, and funds for a water project in collaboration with R.C. Bayswater. 
Youth and Vocation committee - Jo Impey
A budget of $25,000 of which $15,000 has been allocated.   Funds have been donated for RYDA $5,000, Peace Poles at 3 local schools $1,000 for each school,  End of Year awards for local secondary schools $3,000, and the Applied Learning Awards $5,000 .  Under future consideration are:  Moorabbin Police proactive policing - A Team Sports for All event at Clarinda next year, and a proactive policing program at Westall Secondary College.  
Treasurer report - Neville Kruss
The club accounts are now being administered in MYOB in the cloud environment. 
Neville reminded club members invoices for the club's 2024 - 2025 subscription were issued on 20/10/24.   Payment is required prior to the Club's AGM scheduled for Wednesday 27/11/24.   
Market operations - Holland Foundation.  Linda O'Brien announced a 3-month trial project is underway for two people from the Holland Foundation to attend the Bentleigh Market each week from 11.30am to help pack up the market at the end of the morning.  The trial will commence this coming Sunday 17/11.   Guidelines are being drafted - however, they will need to sign in and wear yellow vests and follow the requirements of the team leader on the day.     
Weekly Club Meetings - Registration.  Larry Green advised moving forward, could all club members planning to attend the weekly club meeting please register their attendance on the club website.  PDG Ian will set up the registration for each week's club meeting on the website.  Registration is required by Monday evening prior the meeting and will assist with catering numbers for Cilantro. 
End of Year Celebration - Linda advised the annual club end of year celebration will be held on Sunday 15/12.   More details to follow.
Rosters were announced
Rotary Multi District Emergency Services Awards Project - Karin Soster referenced a recent notification received from District announcing the introduction of a Rotary Multi District Emergency Services Awards Project.   Rotary districts are seeking club support to formalise the awards with final approval required by 22/11/24.   Karin will onforward the notification to all club members with a request to raise any queries or objections with cause.    If there are no objections, Karin will respond affirming support on behalf of the club.