Helen Nodrum was the chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro which included our club's annual AGM, and a club visit from our District Governor Colin Byron and Community Leader Wil Conneliusen.
Helen conducted the AGM and Tony Ryan conducted the AGM for the Incorporated Association.  The minutes for both of these events will be issued to club members separately.    For the purpose of this report, the following nominations for officers and directors for the Rotary year 2025 - 2026 were accepted.  
Grant Perry
Vice President
Linda O'Brien
Immediate Past President
Tim Lynch
Neville Kruss
Karin Soster
Director to serve 2 years 2025 - 2027
Kellie Carruthers
Director to serve 2 years 2025 - 2027
Larry Green
The following is noted:
Director to serve 2nd year of their 2 year term 2025 - 2026
Julie Reid
Director to serve 2nd year of their 2 year term 2025 - 2026
Terry Kane
President Elect
Is open for appointment
GUEST SPEAKER - District 9815 District Governor Colin Byron.
Colin is the first DG of the newly formed District 9815, and the first operating under the 3 year Rotary Regionalisation Pilot Program that officially launched on 1 July 2024.      Our district is one of 19 in a zone previously known as Zone 8 and now renamed South Pacific with all districts participating in the Regionalisation Pilot Program.  The pilot program is being run concurrently with another zone in the UK and Ireland.     
Colin's focus is revitalising Rotary and encouraging clubs to use all the tools available to them to make their club "Irresistible".    Attracting new members and retaining existing members is the challenge for all clubs.   In the past 12 months, our Zone attracted 3000 new members but lost 4,500 existing members - 50% of whom had been members 1 - 3 years.   Our merged district 9815 has 76 Rotary Clubs and 22 Interact Clubs - the most in our zone.  The aim is to Grow Rotary  - with 3 pillars of sustainable growth - Attract, Retain, and Form New Clubs.  The regionalisation program has opened up the rules for forming new clubs and their way of operation - and it is no longer necessary to retain the traditional format for club operations.   Rotary recognises it needs to change and be fit for purpose.   The Rotary Action Plan includes - Increase our impact, Expand our reach, Enhance participant engagement, and Increase our ability to adapt.  
Colin has been a Rotarian for 13 years, and welcomes change for the better.   Colin encourages clubs to work collaboratively with the clubs in their Community Groups to maximise their impact.   He referenced the impact of Rotary on Polio, when in 1988, polio was endemic in 125 countries with over 350,000 cases.  This has now reduced to 2 countries with 1 or 2 polio cases in each country.  The global effort of Rotary has saved 21 million people.  
Colin encourages clubs to look inwardly and consider ways to improve the club experience for their members.  Some suggestions included a club self-assessment plan, consider club culture, club connections, and change what needs changing, with an emphasis on club experience as the most important.    
Colin finishing note was to mention the District Conference in Bendigo next year.  400 people have registered - 8 from our club.  Tours are being arranged for Thursday and Friday, sporting events for Friday, a welcome event in the Art Gallery of Bendigo, club dinners on Friday night, plenary sessions on Saturday and Sunday morning, and the Gala dinner on Saturday night.  The speaker program is available on the conference website.   A fund-raising walk around the lake will be held on Sunday, with funds to be donated to the Monash Children's Cancer Centre.  
Thank you DG Colin for your interesting  and engaging presentation.  Colin was presented with a cheque for $1,000 made out to the Monash Children's Cancer Centre for the District Governor partner (Leanne Byron) program. 
Neville announced Paul Ferguson has been appointed a Director of Interplast - congratulations Paul.
The rosters for next week's club meeting and Sunday market were announced
The Square at the Bentleigh Sunday market is to be used for payment for the hire of tables and racks only.
PDG Ian encourages club members to register their attendance/non attendance for club meetings - with the registration process on the club website.  
The meeting concluded:  8.30am