RYDA PROGRAM - Monday 19/8/24. President Ron is still seeking 2 more volunteers for the RYDA program being held at Sandown Racecourse for Cheltenham Secondary College.
MARRIOTT HOUSE - has been sold. Marriott Services will merge with The Disability Trust, with the Trust taking over the administration of services previously provided by Marriott Services.
SHELTERBOX CONFERENCE in QLD - Ron has received details of a conference in Queensland being planned by Shelterbox Australia. Ron will circulate the details to club members for their interest.
APPRECIATION CERTIFICATE - President Ron had the very pleasant duty of presenting Geoff Gartly with a Certificate of Appreciation for his continued support promoting our club in social media and supporting our local communities.
SHELTERBAGS - Helen N received a thank you letter from the Rotary Club of Mt Waverley for our club's donation for a shared club project to provide funds for Shelterbags for the homeless. The project is administered through RAWCS which is based in NSW. Due to a twist in fate, the funds were used for Shelterbags in NSW, and not in Victoria which was the intended purpose. Helen stressed it is important that a letter from the Committee Chair accompanies the donation cheque stipulating the use for the funds if the purpose is to support a specific project and where.
GUEST SPEAKER - President Elect Tim Lynch - The Year Ahead
Today was Tim's first foray as President Elect outlining his focus for the year ahead. Next year's board will be as follows:
President - Tim Lynch, Vice President - Linda O'Brien, President Elect - is vacant, Immediate Past President - Ron Brownlees, Secretary - Karin Soster, Treasurer - Neville Kruss, and Directors - Terry Kane, Kellie Carruthers, Julie Reid, and Larry Green. Grant Perry will continue to present the Bentleigh Market report at board meetings.
Tim announced the makeup of club committees - these details will be circulated to club members and placed on the club website.
Tim's goal this year is to increase club membership with a focus for club members to work together as a team - using the anacronym TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. Considerations for achieving these goals include having quality guest speakers, and high-profile guest speakers for evening meetings which will continue to be held monthly where possible. Tim is keen to vitalise the club to help attract new members and is seeking alternative ways for promoting our club. Club members are encouraged to seek guest speakers for the speaker program. Suggestions from the floor included having more club information presented at club meetings such as committee projects / reports to keep everyone informed, more member behind the badge presentations, and more guest speakers present on topics that highlight projects that could involve Rotary.
Thank you Tim - we look forward to your new year as President.
NEXT BOARD MEETING - will be Monday 8th July 2024
CLUB MEETINGS - Wed 3 July 2024, and Wed 10 July 2024 - will be held at ONYX, in Reserve Road, Cheltenham.
THANK YOU PRESIDENT RON - for your year as President, and your unfailing commitment to serve our club and support our club members. Shall we continue to Create Hope in the World.