Our new club member, Kevin Egan, was our chairperson for this week's club meeting at Cilantro. Charles, Tony and Helen N joined the meeting via Zoom. Guests included James Grant and Jenny Stone, and Min Nguyen - our guest speaker. Apologies were received from Helen P, Linda, John, Dee, Alan and Faye.
Budgets for the various club committees have been set for the year 2024-2025, and Tim is looking forward to the programs the committee will support.
Tim was exuberant and buoyed by the Olympics, and felt the efforts of those representing Australia provided a great result for Australia - thought it was just wonderful - and we all agree!
Tim welcomed our guests - Min Nguyen, James Grant, and Jenny Stone - adding at one time Jenny worked on one of the ships that travelled along the coast of Africa.
GUEST SPEAKER - Min Nguyen - Representative of ROMAC - Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children
Min is a member of the Rotary Club of East Keilor, and happily travelled the distance this morning to provide a presentation on ROMAC - a project close to his heart. Min provided a video to explain and demonstrate the work of ROMAC. ROMAC commenced over 33 years ago when a member of the RC of Melbourne, Barry Cooper, was in Fiji with a group of surgeons, and witnessed a child who had suffered severe burns that could not be treated in Fiji due to lack of medical resources. Barry Cooper suggested the child be brought to Melbourne for treatment. The child was the first patient to be treated in what was to become a Rotary program that provides medical treatment for children with medical conditions that cannot be treated in their home country, and the opportunity to live a normal life.
ROMAC recipients are aged 15 years or younger and come from the Pacific region. Medical conditions that are treated the most, but not limited to, are around issues with the heart, untreated fractures, tumours, and scoliosis. Many people will recall the twins from Bougainville in PNG, who were born cojoined at the chest and brought to Melbourne for surgery. The twins were separated successfully and are now in the 20s - both having graduated recently from university and living normal lives. ROMAC has had many similar stories with successful outcomes.
ROMAC is run entirely by volunteers. Doctors and medical staff provide their medical services and time free of charge - however, the program has other costs to meet around transport, airfares, hospital costs, pharmaceutical expenses, and other incidental charges. ROMAC does not receive any government funding - financial support is provided by the generous donations of Rotary clubs.
Min's involvement with ROMAC commenced in the early 2000's where he spent a few years supporting the program, and after a spell of non- involvement due to work pressures, he is now retired and happily returned to support ROMAC. Volunteers are required - with further information available on the ROMAC website - www.romac.org.au Min finished his presentation with photos of the latest patient - a 5 year old from Vanuatu born with a club foot that was operated on successfully at St Vincents Private in Melbourne, and almost ready to return home to Vanuatu. Thank you Min for your wonderful presentation. The video and photos clearly demonstrate the power of Rotary, and the difference Rotary can make.
At the end of the presentation, President Tim and International Chair, Terry Kane, were pleased to present Min with a club donation cheque for $2,000 for ROMAC.
ROSTERS - for Sunday's market and next week's club meeting were announced.
RYDA program - Helen N is still seeking volunteers for the RYDA program for Cheltenham S.C. at Sandown Racecourse on Monday 19/8
CILANTRO BBQ - Peter reminded the club of the BBQ at Cilantro on Thursday 15/8 from 4pm - 7pm.
NEXT WEEK'S GUEST SPEAKER - Paralympian, John Elgin, who won 3 medals, and is now a motivational speaker. An opportunity to bring partners, friends and potential club members.
Details of the above three events are in the bulletin.