Posted by Helen Nodrum on Oct 24, 2024
Rationale for ALAs
Applied Learning assists students to develop vocational skills while completing secondary school.  This includes the VCE Vocational Major (VM), Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC), Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VET) programs or School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs).
Coordination of the ALAs
The ALAs are coordinated by the Stride Education offering education and learning support to young people in the Bayside, Glen Eira and Kingston areas. The Applied Learning Awards were established in 2009 as a mechanism for supporting and advancing applied learning in our local region.  
Rotary club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central is proud and pleased to be the major sponsor for these awards each year.
For this year 2024 in celebration of 15 years continuous support the awards night was held on Thursday 24th October, at Loev function centre Moorabbin.
The evening was attended by some 70 guests, award nominees, the team at applied learning awards and rotary club members, President Tim Lynch, Karin Soster, Gary Ramage, Jo Impey, Sue Loeliger, Jenny Stone, Margaret Lucas and Helen Nodrum.
Cheryne from ALA office masterfully MC’d the evening. Opening address was delivered by Danny Schwarz (past Rotarian) and entertainment was provided by George, a very talented musician, student and award winner. Acknowledgement also goes to Tania Hutchinson for the exceptional organisation and overall success of the evening.
Rotary club sponsorship provided the following awards and winners:
Applied Learning school of the Year………………Star of the Sea
Applied Learning co-ordination and support….Geraldine Borgonha (Westall secondary)
Teacher/Training – major teacher………………  ..Matthew Lyons         
Applied Learning Employer of the year…………  Goodman Felder Pty Ltd
School based apprenticeship SBAT ………………Sheen Panels Group
Structured workplace learning employer………..Kanooka Childcare centre
Student Awards:
Learning and Personal Developments Students of the year
Bridget Kumatse and Bridie Murphy
VET student of the year……………………………………Ruby Walsh
VCE-VM – major students of the year
Asher Weinstein and William Douglas.
SBAT student of the year………………………………..Elaiza Palalagi-Sundar
SWL workplace learning student of the year………Chelsea Jacotine
VCE-VET student of the year……………………………George Paora
VCE-VM major student of the year…………………….Ketut (Bintang) Rara
ALA student of the year……………………………………Isabelle Lette
Personal development student of the year………….William Lette
Peer Support award………………………………………..Zar Way LAR
Rotary congratulates all the award nominees and winners. Two impressive outcomes resonate here in that most of these students either know what pathway/career they wish to pursue and many are already on the way to doing so.
The energy and vibrancy shown by these students on the night was really pleasing and infectious.
Rotary club members with Tania and Cheryne from ALA office
Helen Nodrum
Youth and Vocational committee
24th October 2024.